
Craig Oxley #conspiracy forum4.aimoo.com

[A machine that dissolves human bodies as a green alternative to cremation is announced]

Notice where this is leading to? Watch Richard Fleischer's 1973 Hollywood movie called 'Soylent Green' for a clue to your future junk food which no doubt will be controlled by Monsanto unless that company is merged into SERCO the final mega corporation of the future as in OCP in Paul Verhoeven's 1987 Hollywood movie called 'Robocop.' Notice how the one method strips your body of the minerals and metals before your family gets you? Where are these going? Imagine all those gold fillings etc going into the slimy hands of the Crown Maltese. They'll always try to feed off you even when you die. Remember they're feeding off your death whilst your relatives continue to buy flowers etc for your grave site and don't forget those costly funerals.

The Unhived Mind #conspiracy forum4.aimoo.com

The Homosexuality Agenda The goal is to have a population of at least fifty percent homosexuals whilst the rest are majority bi-sexual. This will be achievable without civilization collapse as kids of Saturn will be created in the laboratory replacing children of God. This all ties into the Papal Nobility Hermetic mind frames. All in a H.G Wells free-love society. These Satanic creatures want rid of the idea of sexes just the same as they wish to remove the idea of race, nationality, individuality etc. Until forced sterilization and eventual creation of a new genetic modified being, homosexuality aids in curbing the population growth in line with the 'Global 2000' report needs whilst needing a source of kids due to lack of breeding. Study groups like the Department of Justice Pride.