
Lord Thomas Drake #fundie forums.cybernations.net

And someone said about about logic[.] Christianity is just as logical as Evolution.

1. Something undeniably exists.
2. Nothing cannot cause something.
3. Something eternally and necessarily exists.
4. I am neither eternal nor necessary.
5. Whatever is not eternal and necessary needs a cause.
6. Therefore, there is an eternal and necessary cause
of my noneternal and non-necessary existence.
7. But I am a personal, moral and intelligent being.
8. Only an intelligent, personal and moral being can
create an intelligent, personal and moral being.
9. Therefore, a personal, intelligent and moral being must
10. There cannot be more than one such being
exactly the same, creating the same being.
11. Therefore, only one such Being (we call “God”)
exists as the CAUSE of all else that exists

Themistocles #fundie forums.cybernations.net

[Replying to: "Thank you for reading my post and responding with something that wasn't a meaningless statement which had nothing to do with what I was talking about."]

I accept Intelligent seeding and Panspermia because they are more in line with the Bible
which I view as truth. I reject geo-genesis. I don't like others dictating what I think/feel/believe. I'm the one you love to hate because I lack any kind of human pride/arrogance...

Fort Pitt #fundie forums.cybernations.net

[Responding to an atheist that pointed out contradictions in the bible]
oh and youve made your point your an atheist of some type... but heres my hidden card... IM CATHOLIC... WE MADE THE BIBLE idiot...

dont go marching around because you claim to find contradictions that dont hold any proof of real contradictions...

the Bible is the ONLY book in the world, that has been reviewed by professionals, Atheist and religious, and they have all found NO contradictions....

Lord Thomas Drake #fundie forums.cybernations.net

[In a thread labeled "What you need to know about creation"]
1. Population statistics—If man appeared over one million years ago, the present world population would be thousands of times greater than it actually is. In fact, our entire galaxy could not provide the needed space for so many. The present world population is around 6 billion. Assuming the average life span to be 70 years and the average generation length to be 35 years, then starting with one family, the present world population would result in about 30 doublings. These doublings would carry us back in history from today to around 3500 B.C. This date is suggested by several creationist scientists to mark the time of the flood. Thus, the creation model dovetails beautifully with known world population statistics. But what of the evolutionary model? Dr. Henry Morris writes, “Now, if the first man appeared one million years ago, and these very conservative growth rates applied during that period, the world population would be at present 10 (27,000 zeros following) people. However, no more than 10 (with 100 zeros) people could be crammed into the known universe.”

(Scientific Creationism, Master Books, 1974, p. 154)

Sharigan #fundie forums.cybernations.net

Here i will prove god exist. Can you see the brain exist just by looking at it..nope but we know that its there inside of you right that keeps u alive same way with god you cant see but its there all around us in a form of humans so we can work together to achive sucess and harmony among us.

T1tan #fundie forums.cybernations.net

The chance of DNA forming is something like 5.324 to the NEGATIVE 123 power. Some number along those lines. Here is where it gets interesting though, mathmaticians believe that if a number is raised to the negative 50 power, it is equal to 0. Thus, your number is way past zero.

Next, evolution claims people have gotten smarter with time, we evolve to become more advanced and smarter. However, look at the pyramids and other ancient structures. They are incredibally precise, and frankly we can not recreate them today, so we have actually become much dumber as time as gone on.