
LucyKnowsAslan #fundie forums.quizilla.com

Anyway, I was reading something recently, at they have a point. Let me know what you think-

The Bible has credibility because-
1. It was influenced by God Himself *
2. It was written by several authors
3. It has a high moral standard
4. It has changed peoples' lives

Three Things That Point to God
1. We have a design, so we must have a designer
2. We have morals, so there must be a moral law giver
3. We have logical minds, so there must be a higher Intellect

* 1 Timothy 6:3-4 tells that those who are false teachers have a desire to quibble with the meanings of words and stir up arguments.
"For the word of the Lord holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust." - Psalm 33:4
(There's another I need to find in 1 Timothy, but I forgot where it was.

inae #fundie forums.quizilla.com

If you believe in evolution, then you believe in the Big Bang.

The Big Bang was so stupid that it actually caught on to people who felt threatened by the truth and had to hide behind a stupid theory such as that. It the Big Bang really happened, where did the energy come from to cause a "bang"? Why did it explode? Is there even a reason? Did you know that the name "Big Bang" was christened by a scientist that found the theory so stupid that he was mocking it? Evidently the other scientists, having no other way to explain the theory, took it up.