Kevin7Harris #fundie
Are you a Fundamentalist Atheist? Here's a little test:
1). You compare God to "Santa Claus" or "Flying Spaghetti Monster" unaware of the huge ontological Category Error you make.
2). You refer to God as "sky fairy", "magical man in the sky", "Sky Daddy", etc. showing ignorance of the classical understanding of God's nature and attributes.
3). You claim "there is no evidence for God", apparently ignorant of the vast body of evidence for God that has been contemplated by believers and non-believers for centuries.
4). You tout the Empirical Verificationist Principle (EVP) unaware the the EVP itself cannot be empirically verified.
5). You think "science" is the only way to knowledge, ignorant that physical science is limited to the material workings of the world.
6). You say, "Philosophy is not needed! Only science! And that's my philosophy, (which I need to show philosophy is not needed)!".
7). You think the Problem of Evil disproves God, ignorant of the universal acceptance among philosophers and theologians that it does not.
8). You've heard somewhere that the Big Bang does not indicate an absolute beginning of all time, space, matter, and energy, not knowing the growing current consensus is: yes it does! Which shows something transcendent brought it about, thus obliterating Naturalism.
9). You think Quantum Mechanics, evolutionary adaptation, and multi-verse theories rule out God. Nothing could be further from the truth!
10). You call names, attack persons rather than their arguments, belittle, offend, blame others for shoving religion down your throat, and proclaim freely in the public square that Christian or religious views should have NO freedom in the public square!
Oh! And the big sign you're a Fundamentalist Atheist: you are irritated or downright angry that God, informed faith, science, reason, evidence, philosophy, history, and the arts can be joyfully embraced by the follower of Christ! So, how's your blood pressure right now?