
Dave Barnett #conspiracy justanotherday777.wordpress.com

[#PIGSMUSTDIEt for being #Zersetzung Nazis]

Because of the never ending lifetime harassment by the Police State of America, and no assistance from ANY social services agency or human rights organization, it leaves me with no choice but to usher in this eras version of the “10 plagues” on ALL police forces in North America. ie. the C(riminal)I(diots)A(SSociation), F(eeble)B(rain)I(nstitute), N(o)S(pecial)A(ptitudes), (L)ICE, SISCees (Security Inteligence Services du Canada), R(etarded)C(anuckistan)M(onkey)P(igs) and ALL community police services. And if Organized Grime; who has also been involved in this harassment; doesn’t BACK OFF, they’ll be next on the list.

In the name of the Lord, with help from my guardian angels (including Michael) I wish for the “obliteration” of ALL police forces in North America. 2 Kings 2:24, Roms. 12:19 (Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay) Ecc.3:8