
Kimberly #fundie kimberlyslaments.blogspot.com

There is an ache in my chest. My heart feels hollow.

The full effects of feminism are coming to light. It's as if and atomic bomb has gone off and I'm the only survivor left unscathed. As I stand alone surveying the damage, the carnage, the wreckage, all I can do weep. There is nothing, and no one left to save.

I've all but come to terms with spinsterhood, the only thing I wont do is get a cat. Might get a dog. You see I've spent the last 2 years as a singleton. Having left a relationship of 3 years, I need that time away to heal and prepare myself for another. The time has been well spent and I feel more than ready to enter another relationship. My problem however is finding a man who is on the same page as me. The dating scene is a complete horror show. And no I'm not going to say there are no good men, there are plenty of wonderful, down right fabulous men. But they have been cut up, used up, abused, mocked, lied to, and basically abandoned by so called women. Women who enjoy and would love to see the male sex wiped out, or shriveled up in a corner crying somewhere. Women who want men to pay for history's "abuse" of women. Women who think it's funny to talk shit about their husbands, to take a man to the cleaners, to lie about paternity. I am so sick of your shit ladies, there is absolutely no excuse for your behavior! I feel no pity for the woman who cries there are no available men, because you're same woman who screams "GIRL POWER" and "I don't need a man". When you lie alone in your bed at night crying, I hope it sinks in. I hope it hits home so hard it rocks you to your core. You're miserable and alone because you chose it. You choose not to see the truth, the destruction of the natural bond between men and women. Right now I have no pity on you, someday in the future, sure. I'll pray about.


Ladies the reason why we can't seem to find a man to have a relationship with is because we make them miserable, we have made ourselves undesirable. You can sit here and deny it all you want but it's the truth. You have created your pain by accepting feminism as your mantra. Now you have live with it. As well as I do.

So tonight my heart aches for all those men who are stuck in a world that no longer sees your value, a world where you are to be hunted and destroyed. And for you "Super girl", "Wonder woman", I hope karma gets you.......good. A barren womb I think is an appropriate punishment.
