
Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics #fundie lifesite.net

Claim that Hilary Clinton Presidency is Motive for Huge New Abortion Centers
Life Dynamics says ailing abortion industry relying on 'universal health care' to jack up profits

By Meg Jalsevac
DENTON, Texas, October 26, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - According to Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, the abortion industry in America, particularly abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP), is experiencing both a financial and a service demand crisis. In an entry entitled "On the Trail to Rodham and Gomorrah" on his Life Dynamics blog, Crutcher asserts that abortion providers are looking to the likes of Hillary Clinton to bolster the floundering abortion industry.

Cardinal Alfonso Llopez Trujillo #fundie lifesite.net

[Emphasis added]

Cardinal Alfonso Llopez Trujillo announced Tuesday that the Colombian Catholic Church has excommunicated all persons involved in obtaining an abortion for an 11-year-old girl, who became pregnant after she was raped.[...]

Archishop Luis Augusto Castro, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, spoke out against the Court’s decision to accept abortion in difficult cases involving rape or incest, saying “The child is innocent—the criminal should be punished and put in jail for a long time, but the child should not have to pay for the sins of another. He is an innocent baby.”

Lifesite #fundie lifesite.net

The local abortion mill [Planned Parenthood], elimination of the handicapped, advancement of euthanasia, easy divorce, billions of condoms to Africa (instead of medical and food supplies) and even forced acceptance of homosexuality have all served two main goals:

1. To massively decrease the world’s population. (this is happening)

2. Through eugenics, to prune the human race of what are considered by some to be physically, mentally, socially and even economically ‘unfit’ persons. (this is also happening and accelerating)

John-Henry Westen #fundie lifesite.net

[Blaming Immigration on Abortion]

In his BreakPoint Commentary which is carried by nearly a thousand outlets in the United States, reaching about a million listeners, Chuck Colson said Tuesday that abortion is the cause for the shortage of workers which has necessitated a flood of immigration, while the country is struggling to assimilate the foreign influx.

Colson asked rhetorically, "But what's the root of the problem? Why do we have a shortage of workers?" He answered, "Aha, that's the unspeakable 'A' word that the elite dread the most: abortion."

"The reason we must allow millions of illegal aliens in to fill these jobs is because we have murdered a generation that would otherwise be filling them: 40 million sacrificed since 1973 to the god of self-fulfillment. And Americans are barely maintaining a replacement-level birthrate of 2.1 children per woman," he said.

"Remember the compassionate stuff that the abortionists used to tell us: 'We are just preventing these poor kids from growing up in deprived, impoverished circumstances'? Hah! False. What happens is that others come in from abroad to live in those deprived, difficult, and impoverished circumstances and at great public cost," he added.