
Geoff Trowbridge – The Elkhart Truth, 12/7/2001 #fundie maplenet.net

Our children have fallen under the corrupting influence of an extraordinarily popular movie.

The story is very appealing to jaded children who yearn for adventure: An orphan trapped in a dismal lifestyle is whisked away to a magical place ruled by a wizard, where witches fly around on broomsticks and cast spells in pursuit of dubious goals.

Not surprisingly, this world is filled with perversions of natural order, such as characters with inhuman traits and animals that have been mutated into frightening monsters. Gemstones are bestowed with strange powers, which is typical of occultist practice since medieval times.

This film supports the dangerous and seductive idea that witchcraft is fine, as long as you differentiate between "good" and "evil" magic. This moral ambiguity results in violence begetting violence; not surprisingly, the antagonists meet their demise in rather gruesome fashion.

Children who fall prey to this film will undoubtedly become aware that an entire series of books by the same author exists, which will further serve to indoctrinate young minds into this cauldron of evil temptation.

This travesty of film making to which I refer is, of course, "The Wizard Of Oz." As good Christian parents, we must ensure that our children are never exposed to the inherent dangers of this film, and that these tools of Satanic learning are eliminated from our homes and our school libraries. The time has come to take your side in this righteous crusade.