
Meanders Toward The Right #wingnut meanderstowardtheright.tumblr.com

Compassionate Fascism

Not long ago, a young man was assaulted* for carrying the banner of a white nationalist group and daring to retort when he was set upon and interrogated by members of a far-left militant organization known as BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). The video [03:53 is where it gets interesting/ 04:05 is where we get a front row seat to the limp wrist of the modern leftist] is silly and sad at the same time. It contains a number of lessons for the observant person. If you are of an unpopular ideology, never travel alone. If you are confronted by antithetical opposition, to argue is to waste breath and time. You cannot appeal to the State for protection, but you can beg them for rescue. Do not bring words to a fist fight.

There are always many lessons to be had from the raw footage of the foot soldiers of opposed ideologies interacting with each other, but watching it can give you anxiety as well as putting blinders on your mind’s eye. Historical forces become bound up in an eternally looping gif. Perspective gets lost and Activism starts to make sense. Standing up and speaking out become more and more attractive. This is how the Action Left organize and motivate their conscripts. Think Global/Act Local is a code for using general ideation and tautological thinking to justify heinous, ignorant, and impulsive acts. In the clip, the camera man is following the WN person, asking bait questions and generally drawing attention. Soon a squad of antifa activists is in range. Before the very eyes of the Local Authority, the Activists physically engage the lone man. The most important part is when Citizen Felarca attempts to pummel the man with her fun-size fists. The determination on her face, the belief in her heart, and the weakness of her body are all potent symbols of the leadership of the Modern Left. Of course, she is surrounded by white males, and once their Leader has opened the door, they are more than happy to engage. To their credit, the police intervene quite quickly, but as a some of us here at Meanders have been to more than a few protests, we can state with absolute certainty that the cops were being very nice to the antifa lads. One can only imagine how vigorously the officers would Protect the Peace if Citizen Felarca found herself surrounded by angry fascists.
Herein lies the issue: behind the ballistic helmet and body armor stands a man with democratic values. He is not just an Enforcer, he is a Judge, a Juror, a Voter, and many other things beside. Each of those different people must choose to act and how. His personal life will undoubtedly bleed into his professional demeanor. Maybe his girlfriend is black. Maybe his colleagues are mixed. Whatever the case, few words inspire pure, unadulterated hatred like fascist. To be NRx is to be a fascist of some strain. You can hide it with terms like monarchist or conservative, but the fact remains that we believe, fundamentally, that societies are best governed by a small, ultra powerful elite that is bound to safety and order by strict, defining principles. The core principle must be the abhorrence and elimination of violence in any form. Violent action must be solely controlled and administered by the State. This State must do all it can to maintain peace and prosperity. For the most part, this means staying out of local civil affairs. But sometimes, force is required to maintain the status quo.
The history of fascism is littered with mistakes and dead ends. It is not easy for a lay person to come up with examples of productive fascism thanks to the re-education and indoctrination of the cohorts of the Cathedral. But they are there. The city state of Singapore is the best example i have found. The power structure there embodies everything that the NRx canon seeks to create. Let us examine that case. This is a tiny city-state surrounded by larger entities that could at any moment invade and conquer. They must also confront a horde of immigrants seeking asylum and prosperity. With strict adherence to regulations, brutal enforcement to the rule of law, and reality based tactics, this oasis of order continues to increase its economic and social standing. At the same time, they stolidly grow their force capabilities, walking a fine line between inaction and Taiwanese Fortress Mentality. They only accomplish this through the focus of power in a very small group of well educated, well informed decision makes, centered around an absolute ruler.
This is Compassionate Fascism. The strict adherence to the Rule of Law is not a subterfuge for consolidation of power, rather a concerted effort to maintain an ideal equilibrium. Lee Kuan Yew is an interesting case study in the value of dictatorship. A strong fascist government requires an number of ingredients, and one is a dispassionate, intelligent, and conscientious leader. Another is an inviolable canon coexisting with a capability of self review. The final piece (of the core) is the capability to exercise extreme violence towards any and all actors that pose an existential threat to peace and stability (the combination of these two being the prerequisite for prosperity). As we have stated before, and others as well, the enemy of society is primarily uncontrolled violence. Of all of the other ailments of society and civilization, the potential for unfettered violence stands head and shoulders above all other threats. Demotist ideology mitigates mass violence by perpetrating lies about common cause, universal brotherhood, and social justice. This strategy is falling apart. In the USA, we stand at the precipice of violent upheaval. One need look no further than the self proclaimed pacifists of the Left using violence and the threat thereof to intimidate the proponents of their opposition in the current election. On the one hand, they decry the Bush Regime for using violence to respond to threats to ideology, then with the other they strike down with violence of word or deed any dissent. They time and again repeat the accusation that Trump is a new Hitler. For their strategy to work, they must portray the opposition as the ultimate evil. This is the inherent weakness of confederated union when the constituents have very little in common. When they run out of universal enemies, they will descend into in fighting and fratricide. This is the inevitable conclusion of any Demotist endeavor.
If we wish to have a peaceful and prosperous future, we have no course but dictatorship and enforced order. The real question is do we wish to have a dictator that plays at populism whilst using cronyism to further the agenda of the leadership class for personal gain, or do we give power to a ruling elite bound by strictures established from the near perfection of computational analysis and a publicly accessible Board of Review?
*we here at Meanders hate using that term for low level physicality, but given the propensity of the left to use and abuse the legal system for their own ends, we have no choice but to address it as such. it is a sad state of affairs for any real man in this day and age to have to, with a straight face, say he was assaulted some bird-boned Marxist who couldn’t hold either hammer or sickle outstretched for more than a few seconds.