
James #conspiracy montanatruthseekers.wordpress.com

[Just a snippet from this guy's conspiracy]

Project Blue Beam is a project to bring in a new age one world religion that the anti-christ will head. Phase one is engineered earthquakes and hoaxed archeological discoveries to dispute the divinity of Jesus Christ as well as every other religion on the planet. Also part of phase one is the psychological conditioning of the people through the media and various entrainment mediums to promote such ideas as friendly aliens, evolution, secular humanism, and breeding with fallen angels/demons/friendly aliens. If you take a look at how they slowly brought in the friendly alien theology with cute shows like ALF and movies like ET, and how they have moved on to openly singing about mating with the aliens to form a hybird race in recent times like Katy Perry’s ET song and movies like “The Preachers Wife”, “City of Angels”, or “Splice” you will see that the psychological conditioning has been underway for quite sometime.

A small side note about ALF: Do you ever wonder why ALF has a fascination with eating cats? I think it is a pun off of aliens wanting human women. I will not be vulgar about it though.