
Alastair Goodland #fundie new2torah.com

(Reply to an article claiming that the Starbucks mermaid is a pagan symbol)

Interesting that the first photo graph insert in your story, the goddess is lactating – milk from her breasts. Milk goddess stories are found in many of the ancient cultures – pre columbian american as well as indian. The milk relates to the churning of the primal elements that were churned up by the (devas – demons) in the Bhagavata, It is a creation myth of course. There are a myriad of cults that have sprung up around the world in ancient cultures related to milk, involving fig trees (sap seen as milk), cactus (from which pulk is made for ceremonial purposes). Anyway, your point is true my friend. Many christians just don’t know what they worship today, because they just don’t read. They rely on what the little chap behind the pulpit tells them each sunday, and, their pastors are so dull themselves, they make points like drunkards with thornbushes.

God bless you, keep up the good work.