
patriot08 #racist newnation.cc

Can't you just see that ugly black sow Michelle Hussein flounching around the white house?
Those two niglets of hers; the MSM covering their every movement and jizzing on themselves about their 'first dates', 'parties', ad naseum?
Can't you just see all Obama's black African relatives lounging about in the White House?
It's enough to gag a maggot.

What you want to bet Obama, Wright, Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan met after the election, broke out the scotch, passed around the cigars and spent hours shuckin' and jivin' about how they all bamboozed whitey?

Hussein will NEVER be my president.
I will fight that sob with every fiber of my being.
Those who want to tuck tail and skulk away may do so, but I intend Continue to fight, to discredit and try to bring Obama down.

This election was stolen by a Muslim/Marxist who had the power of millions of dollars worth of illegal campaign funds from America's enemies, the most powerful black radical racists, Muslim terrorists and America haters on the globe behind him.

He won’t bask in the glory of his victory in peace. We intend to go after him.