
Martin Kohl #racist newulmnordic.wordpress.com

[From "Our Friend, Jim Crow"]

They say that, “History is written by the victors,” and there is no clearer case for that view than the current belief about Jim Crow laws, the Jim Crow era, and what were then known as restrictive covenants. The history of America, my history, has been re-written and falsified to please those who worship in the temple of multiculturalism.

In contemporary America, Jim Crow is seen as a product of hate, of racism, and of blind bigotry. But being a member of the last generation of “boomers” to have benefited from Jim Crow, I have a very different take on the “official” history of segregation and restrictive covenants. Yes, I benefited from Jim Crow, as did most of my race and my community. Jim Crow laws kept us safe, by keeping the nefarious Negro in his place and on his own side of town; the Negro part of town.

XMjLkXj First, let’s start with the history, the real history of Jim Crow segregation.

Both before and after the civil war, our ancestors realized that they had a problem: a Negro problem. The Negro, with few exceptions, did not possess the IQ and necessary temperament to be civilized and brought into the fold of White, Western European civilization. Various plans were discussed to repatriate the Negro back to his ancestral home in Africa. However, the cost, both in terms of money and political capital, was too high for such a venture, so the Negro was never “shipped back to Africa.” In light of these realities that our ancestors faced, there was really only one appropriate course of action; given the circumstances of post-reconstruction America.

The only viable course of action, that would protect the majority white population was legal and social segregation: i.e. Jim Crow laws. There was simply no other choice with so many Negroes in America and the well-documented Negro propensity to violence and crime, especially the rape of white women.


When I was a young boy, the “colored only” and “white only” signs were already being taken down in my hometown. However, my step-father’s family lived in the mountains of East Tennessee, and I vividly remember a sign when we visited there in 1968 that said, “Whites Only! Coloreds Not Welcome!”

I remember that sign. But in my hometown, by 1968 the Jim Crow signs had all been taken down thanks to President Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Federal troops with armored units enforcing that law from the barrel of a gun.

So why do I call Jim Crow laws, “our friend?”

Although the signs were being taken down when I was a kid, the police and those in authority still enforced the “spirit” of Jim Crow, if the not the actual segregation laws itself.

How did the police do this?

When I was a kid, whenever the police saw a car full of Negroes in OUR neighborhood at night, they were pulled over and questioned. If the Negroes had no good reason for being in OUR neighborhood, or had criminal convictions, or gave the cops any problem, they were pulled out the car and beaten with batons, “blackjacks” (leather saps with lead centers, designed for beating suspects) or even pistol-whipped with their service revolvers. (Smith & Wesson .38 caliber revolvers at the time.)

Alabama Protest Against Desegregation

So how did this make OUR neighborhoods safe?

Well, the Negro who received a good beating from the police (OUR police, a 99% white police force ) for being in the wrong neighborhood, OUR neighborhood, a white neighborhood, soon learned that he and his “homies” could not just drive into a white neighborhood looking for white victims to rob, rape, and murder. The police in my hometown even in the late 1960s, still enforced an “unofficial Jim Crow” which had the effect of sending an unmistakable message to Negro community on the other side of town. (A side of town, that we NEVER ventured into; it was way too dangerous.)

With each traffic stop, with every questioning of Negroes, the police in OUR town sent the message, “We are watching. Stay on your side of town. If we catch you in a white neighborhood, you will go to the hospital and then to jail. We will use lethal force to protect white neighborhoods. You are not welcome here. Stay away from white people.”

Yes, our friend, Jim Crow, kept our communities safe in the face of the Negro menace and his ability to move from community to community. Jim Crow segregation was the only answer because it was not feasible to deport the Negro en masse back to Africa. Sadly, with non-stop lawsuits against police departments by the justice department and all the diversity pimps like the ADL and SPLC, even the “spirit” of Jim Crow is no longer enforced. Which is why you cannot walk the streets at night: the nefarious Negro has chewed through his leash and threatens the civilization that took him into its bosom. Only a restoration of Jim Crow laws, or the deportation of the Negro en masse back to Africa will make us safe again.