
Baruch Ellison - Editor #fundie noahide.com

For that matter, it is vegetarianism that has always been associated with cruelty and evil. Cain arrogantly refused to herd animals, and by restricting himself to agriculture of vegetables, imbued himself with a crude materialism that eventually induced him to murder his shepherd brother (explained in the Midrash Agadah and Bereishis Rabba). The ancient Egyptians hated the early Jews because the Jews were eating meat, especially of the animals worshipped by the Eygptians (Onkelos on Bereishis 43:32). And modern Hindus and Buddhists, likewise, practice partial or total vegetarianism as a result of their idolatry and materialistic crudeness. These are precisely the anti-Semitic and anti-G-d attitudes the evil nation of Amalek wishes to incite in people today, using vegetarianism as one important tool in promoting occult practices.

Bi-Weekly Newsletter of Judaic Theocracy #fundie noahide.com

The Public Health movement, which originated in revolutionary France (the ancestor of Communist and Nazi revolution in our own times), was concocted as a way of promoting nihilist revolution in the guise of medical science. Its object is to exploit fear of disease to manipulate people into a spiritual trap, one that causes its victims to repudiate G-d's sovereignty and become psychologically twisted into revolutionaries.
The notion that Public Health measures are the only protection against disease is a direct assault on G-d. It is bait intended to lure the population into an upside-down anti-morality. In reality, we need not fear epidemics of infectious disease, TB or otherwise. The world is already changing in preparation for the imminent Messianic Era, and improving health is one of the signs of the times.
Rather, we should only fear G-d's wrath against Amalek and the Public Health movement, and seek to fulfill the Creator's Will that we repudiate and annihilate this evil from our midst. This means exposing, neutralizing, and legally abolishing the Public Health movement, including dismantling all of its agencies and uprooting and prosecuting its advocates. TB isn't a real problem, but TB treatments are.