
Bobbysayshi, wonderinglezyogi, and nico-incognito #conspiracy pantsless-serket.tumblr.com

[From a post titled "Things They Don't Teach You in School"]

•Lincoln believed white people were the superior race
•Gandhi hated black people
•The CIA brought illegal drugs into the country
•Ronald Reagan was the devil
•White people mutated from the Dravidian Albinos and would be nothing without POC

•9/11 was coordinated by the Bush administration
•The laws written 15 years ago where pushed and backed by the kkk
•Black people explored the world before white people where civilized and whitewashed history

*The father of modern gynecology experimented and tortured black women during slavery for his findings.
*The government was successfully sued for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.
*The CIA introduced crack/cocaine into inner-cities across the US
*The US had been sterilizing many WoC
*In the Tuskegee experiments, the US gave STDs and other diseases, including syphilis to unknowing black men.
*Japan was already in line to surrender when we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima
*The US created the Taliban