
Pastor Mike #fundie pastorstahl.blogspot.com

Now , on the Facebook page attributed to him, ( which has since been removed ) , Mr. Breivik describes himself as a "Christian" and a "conservative." It listed his interests as hunting, body building and freemasonry. The latter is definitely NOT Christian , and like Catholicism , as well as all the other non-biblical religious doctrines , it is diametrically opposed to the true Word of God!

As for his actions , obviously a true Christian would not go out and shoot people in a camp or blow up buildings. That's not what a Christian does. So just because a person claims to be a "Christian," or even believes that they are , does not necessarily make them so.

Pastor Mike Stahl #fundie pastorstahl.blogspot.com

Brothers and Sisters , I have been seriously considering forming a ( Christian ) grassroots type of organization to be named "The Christian National Registry of Atheists" or something similar . I mean , think about it . There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..