
PeakStupidity #transphobia peakstupidity.com

In our very 1st post on feminism, Peak Stupidity ranted on the use of "their" as unknown-sex third-person singular. That's been going on since likely the 1970s, as the feminists have the average speaker scared of using the male pronoun (he, him, his), as proper English would tell HIM. (<--- the right way!) Things have gotten way beyond that with people "identifying" as other sexes and with other sexual preferences. There are a hell of a lot of combinations now, but not any extra pronouns in the regular English language to make use of.

Therefore, these idiots are telling others to call them "they", "xir", and I guess whatever Xey want. Not all are pronounceable, but that's apparently not Xeir problem.

See, now this is just another area in which the Chinese are kicking our asses! Tāmen have got two things going for tāmen:

a) They don't have their Cultural Revolution going on. We do. This sucks.