
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Suffering Mother #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

I too thought my son was going thru an adolescent phase trying on his sisters clothes when we were not home. I didn’t seek psychological help because I thought it would blow over. He was such a manly guy. Tall, big chin, size 12 shoe, hairy body and sported a beard a few times. It never entered my mind he could go down this route I didn’t even know anything about “trans” ! Like your son he was handsome and very smart. Or at least I thought he was smart and raised a Catholic. Everyday I ask myself where did I go wrong? I do blame myself, maybe it was the divorce or something else I did. Going thru this all these years with no one to depend on has truly broken me. I haven’t remarried and spend my days wondering why? Why my family? My daughter got Type 1 diabetes at age 3, was that not enough pain for our family?

My son has rejected me again after a brief stint at Thanksgiving when I thought he was coming back. But he’s gone now and I don’t even know where he lives. Frankly I’m just so tired emotionally, physically and mentally. I can’t live the rest of my days overcome with sadness. I’m glad you have a husband and other children to lean on . My daughter has enabled my son’s delusion because she doesn’t want to lose him. But I could never speak an untruth just to make someone stick around even my biological son. I won’t contribute to his delusions even if it means not seeing him ever again. He made these choices, not me. He chose to go against God and run with demons. I can only pray for him and pray to St Monica to ask for intercession to send someone else to talk him back to sanity. He won’t listen to me.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

[From an article about the author's trans daughter, who moved in with an affirming family at 18]

Over the next couple of months, we learned that this family had relocated to another city. Our son was now sharing a room with their son and had plans to go to a budget college in state that they had helped him to apply for, including filling out the FAFSA. He didn't have his car or cell phone, and he was only communicating with his brother and friends. We also learned that these friends were more aware of the situation than we knew and that the family we saw as friends (we had helped them financially, with rides from school, with yard work just weeks before they sold their home), had been grooming Jake for almost a year. Both of their children were "different", their daughter even wanted to be a cat. I remember feeling so violated, so sick to my stomach, that two self-proclaimed "Christian" people would find their actions not only acceptable but laudable. I know what hate really is now. I don't know why God allowed this.


I haven't been well in a long time. I saw my doctor and got medicine. It doesn’t seem to help but, hey, I lost 20 pounds. I will admit that I think about just being done with life. I'm honestly tired. My husband and daughter want me to let him go. My son says he tells Jake that I love him, but he won’t let me speak directly to Jake or meet up with them if Jake happens to be in town. Nothing changes and the little boy in the pictures on my walls and on my phone keeps smiling. And a piece of me dies each day.

distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

I have endured four birthdays since my son was seduced by the heinous trans cult at 19. On his twenty-third birthday, my husband was unaware of this special day we shared. I did not remind him about his son's birthday, as I knew it would heighten his daily pain and anger. So for the day that would have been celebratory in a sane world, I shouldered alone my tender grief. The birthday of my son is also my birth - day. Along with my son, my memory has been stolen of the joyous welcoming of my healthy infant son. As this essay elequently expresses, for PITT parents there are jolts of even more pain throughout the years that are visceral markers of our cruel alienation from a precious child with whom we once shared a loving relationship. Our primal ambiguous loss is beyond sad.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

It's been nearly six years since my daughter's announcement. For four years before that, there had been a drastic change in her attitude, her appearance, her interests. She has spent half of her life being one person, and half being another. It destabilized me for a long time.


In April 2023, a month before she turned 20, she took her first shot of testosterone. My anxiety, bordering on panic, became a deep depression. Now, every time she speaks, her once-beautiful voice cracks like a teenage boy. I wince every time I hear it. People have noticed. She's probably noticed. I'm OK with that. I get to be in pain, too, and my pain matters. I have no idea what parts of her future she's taken away by this decision, but I wonder, and it makes me so desperately sad.

The election of Donald Trump gave me a small boost that sense would finally arrive. I had, however, been demoralized by a decade of having my reality turned upside down, my language policed, my parental agency robbed, and watching an entire culture, particularly the college-indoctrinated waters that I somewhat swim in, cheer the whole thing on as if my destruction and that of my beloved daughter constituted cause for celebration. I didn't really believe change would happen. One month has changed me.


Now, when family members, friends and acquaintances rail against Trump, I point out that it's he, not the Democratic Party, who is trying to protect young people from medical experimentation and long-term harm. I point out that this sinister medical regime only exists because of the patronage and protection of the Democrats. I understand that Trump is polarizing, has not lived a virtuous private life, and has said and done things, and stands for things that I and many others don’t care for. Yet I voted for one reason: to protect my daughter and thousands of other young people from this dark period in the history of medicine.

Telestai Nexus #crackpot #ufo #quack #transphobia #conspiracy telestai.substack.com

In the same way as virology is a very complex model with mind boggling studies, to cover up nanoparticle poisoning (often in conjunction with EMF), quantum physicists delude us quite deliberately with string theory, in order to hide the simple fact of an Aether.

The sophisticated ivory tower derived theories of so called “contagion”, collapse entirely under the colossal weight of their false premise of replication.
So in the same way wrong models of physics have been used to lead us astray deliberately. The notion of string theory for quantum physics has abstracted the simple truth of an Aether (not a vacuum per se) that is filled with energy- with the complication of a dozen dimensions that no one understands, they succeeded by inducing headaches instead of real understanding. Meanwhile, the casimir effect can be demonstrated with ease:
This brings forth, besides infinite clean energy from that zero point energy field, the healing powers of the orgone accumulator, for example- the box with metal plates that uses the quantum fluctuations between those to charge biological cells, which has a profound effect on the human body and thus led to successful therapy session of Wilhelm Reich, until the FBI burnt down everything.
We are literally getting bombarded with propaganda about the looming apocalypse due to energy scarcity, the shadow projection of the dark hearts of those controlling technocrats, claiming that we are to blame for getting born into this long endured slave system (while Malthusian Eugenicists are getting young people to chop off parts of their bodies through all sorts of multilayered propaganda and conditioning). That trees are suffocating from thousands of tons of nanodust produced by companies like graphene flagship or even BASF in Germany - cytotoxic nanodust of aluminium and graphene- is not being discussed. But we are surely to blame for the damage, because… “microplastics” and “Climate Change”

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Did you know that every Tesla automobile has a built-in security camera? The idiots committing these acts of terroristic vandalism don’t seem to be aware of this security feature, and the fact that they could spend years in prison doesn’t seem to have occurred to them, either. And I just want to say, Thank you, stupid Democrats, for giving us an excuse to send you to prison with a felony conviction that, in most states, will prohibit you from voting. Wile E. Coyote could not be reached for comment.

Our good friend Deb Heine had the story of Justin Thomas Nelson, a/k/a “Lucy Grace Nelson,” a 42-year-old Democrat who is facing multiple felony charges in Larimer County, Colorado, after police say he/“she” repeatedly visited a Tesla dealership and committed acts of vandalism. The charges include “Explosives or Incendiary Devices Use During Felony.” But while contemplating this criminal’s stupid, could we just mention that no one will ever mistake Justin/“Lucky” for a woman?

He does not pass. Period. Until rather recently, the inability to “pass” as female would have deterred a person like Justin Nelson from transgenderism. What is the point of this masquerade if no one believes it? That is the question any sane person concerned with facts and logic would ask about such behavior, but facts and logic are transphobic, you see, and thus sane people are deprived of the First Amendment right to speak the blunt truth: “That’s not a woman. It’s a lunatic in a dress.”

We are not supposed to notice the bullying inherent in the transgender agenda, where people are compelled to play along with this nonsense. And the fact that lunatics like Justin/”Lucy” feel empowered to engage in terroristic crime — well, isn’t that a logical consquence of this?

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

you wonder what all those "unaccompanied" children were doing among all the millions of criminal migrants being criminally brought into America by the Biden/Harris regime and the Marxocrat Party ...

And if you wonder about all the names in the Jeffrey Epstein client list that almost but never quite make it to being publicly exposed ...

And if you wonder about the rocketing numbers of super-expensive organ transplant surgeries ...

There may be a string that ties them all together, if honest investigators were ever to actually look for it.

If this is real, then the children are shipped to pedophiles to be be owned and abused for some number of years during which they are considered to be on "organ farms". When their numbers come up, they are murdered on the operating tables where their organs are "harvested", and the pedophiles get new victims.

The medical profession is in on this.

If you thought abortion was a stain on that profession, this is worse, and worse even than the sex-change surgeries on transsexuals. The whole medical profession may have gone over to the dark side.

Federal investigators need to look into the source of the organs for all organ transplant operations, in the name of God.

Lisa Guadagna #transphobia #dunning-kruger pittparents.com

I have a trans son who claims to be a girl. We see him for dinner every month and I always get in trouble for using the wrong pronouns. Although I voted for Trump for this and for MAHA. Trans ideas of injecting and swallowing all kinds of substances and not even questioning if that is healthy is sinister. I also voted for trump because of the dictatorial powers in forcing injections to keep a job and hen my eyes were opened to media propaganda. Yes I am beginning to read about cults because the trans ideology has so many of those characteristics. By understanding their techniques I am better equipped to fight.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In addition, gender confusion is ubiquitous on the internet, children’s TV programs and story time at the local library. Will this new generation get indoctrinated at an even younger age than my kids were? How do we undo these ideas once implanted in my grandkid’s minds? It is so concerning. The trans agenda is already infecting the next generation.

How can I handle this psychologically? I now have even more eggshells to walk on. Listening to my other kids refer to their younger brother with his new legal, female name is quite distressing. Having his older sister and brother-in-law (both of whom he admires) affirm his delusion is already heartbreaking for me. But their son doing the same is even worse. Moving this mass hysteria into the next generation of my family feels almost unbearable. This is another big step in erasing my son. Certainly, it is a big step toward rewriting my family history.

I have struggled through these awful years to hang onto my son’s existence in my own mind. Despite his appearance, name change, and affirmation from those around him I have been able to hold onto a sliver of the boy I raised. I am so scared that the sliver will slip away and the hole in my life, in the shape of my son will widen. I should be able to enjoy my precious grandchildren without sadness and resentment. If they are forced by their parents to refer to my son with his trans identity then I’m in a situation where being with them becomes painful. How sad is that?

Marie DiMauro #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia msn.com

BUT...the catch in the WOKE MOVEMENT Everyone isn't welcome... The regular white male that identifies as a white straight male is not welcome. This movement teaches white boy children it's a sin to be male and straight and they should be ashamed. WOKE is turning out to be a feminist movement...if you look into what is coming out. Teaching children as young as six where children just want to fit in that "being trans is different" is indoctrination not inclusion. All kids seek to stand out and be different that is where it is wrong. So that sign unfortunately is only up to increase an indoctrination agenda.... again WOKE bringing kids into big people fights like a bad divorce...that is why she is being made to take it down.

(Submitter’s note: The sign in question is a school banner with holding hands of different skin tones and reading “everyone is welcome here”).

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #dunning-kruger pittparents.com

I recently tried to have The Talk. As a lifelong liberal Democrat, most people in my social circle are also liberal Democrats. Most of them don’t know my son is trans identifying. That is, I haven’t made any mention of it. I. Do. Not. Talk. About. It.


The first time was a few years ago, when my friend L. was reminiscing about our shared love for Harry Potter. She brought it up, and she had previously in the evening mentioned that she thought perhaps COVID did come from a lab leak after all. “Aha!” I thought. “A crack! Maybe she’s open to hearing about my perspective as the parent of an ROGD autistic boy. Maybe she even already agrees with me!” I became cautiously excited. My adrenalin started to race. She asked me; what did I think about J. K. Rowling now, given her recent comments? I took a breath. I contemplated lying. I decided I was sick and tired of not speaking up. I said: “I agree with her.”

It was like all the air was sucked out of the room. I instantly knew she did not agree with J. K., or with me. I felt the portcullis crash down. It was like I could hear her thoughts - “Oh, she’s just not informed on the subject. I must educate her. Poor lost soul.” I wanted to say - oh honey. I know you think you are ahead of me. But you are not.


I did not vote for Trump, but I was relieved when he won. I am so happy about the Executive Orders to stop the dangerous gender non-sense. But my Trump-euphoria is beginning to wane, because people like my friends, smart, compassionate people, think anything he says must be wrong because he said it. They cannot evaluate anything he does on its own merits. We’re in for a long four years.

jelliknight #transphobia ovarit.com

JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal - police

I think the women of scotland need a "womens rights day of visibility" just tweeting shit like "women exist." And "men cant wish themselves into being women" and "women are women. Transwomen are men." And "male rapists dont belong in womens prisons" and "transathletes are failed athletes" and even "if this makes you want to kill yourself, good riddance."

Each tweet should end with the phone number/website where people who are offended can report them.

While there are still lots of eyes on this the women of scotland need to pin down exactly where the line is. Best case the police get so overwhelmed with phone calls and emails they shut it down.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Turtlefuzz )
First they came...
First they came for the cheating males, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a cheating male.

Then they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a rapist.

Then they came for the child mutilators, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a child mutilator.

Then they came to me, and told me I could live my life again. And all my sisters spoke out-

Because now we could.

( MagnificentMildew )
I was actually literally just thinking about this yesterday, about how fucking gross it is that wokies have been using this quote in regards to Trump's EO about TIMs.

Libs, banning cross dressing perverts from beating up and raping female athletes and prisoners is not remotely similar to how Jews and communists/socialists were treated by Nazis during the fucking Holocaust. The fact you shitheads even think such a comparison is remotely appropriate is proof of how fucking out of touch the left has become. Like seriously, get fucked.

( SarahWilliams_13 )
I’ve heard them say that trans people are experiencing genocide.

No, Bill, it’s not genocide that you can’t wear a wig and use the woman’s locker room.

( littleowl12 )
I really hate that poem now because I can see it for the tyranny that it really is.

"YOU have to protect ME because THEY hate you even more than I do."

( DarthVelma )
My issue is that they've been coming for women's rights for my entire 50+ years and none of these people who want my help now ever gave a shit. They're not coming for TIMs "first". It's self-centered, ahistorical nonsense to pretend they are. They're literally the people at the end of that poem where there's no one else left to help them because they never bothered to give a shit and notice, much less help, the groups that were already being "come for".

( Turtlefuzz )
I've been seeing a lot of posts in online LGB spaces with the quote from pastor Martin Niemöller in regards to Trump's Executive Orders.

I am not Jewish, but the constant comparison to the Holocaust is insulting and disturbing.

I made this post to remind all the boot-licking, dick-pandering handmaidens that this is what you are saying we should defend. This behavior, this anti-woman sentiment, this atrociously MALE movement.

Thank you for reading.

Tatoruzux #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

I believe prohibiting the release of evidence of a violation of another person's rights and physical well-being isn't censorship of speech. It's a practical reality of a good and just government, especially when it's not a matter of public interest, and when it comes to horrendous crimes against children, the specific video or photographic evidence is never a matter of public interest.

I'm not a libertarian or anarchist — I don't believe in lawlessness and I recognize the duty of a government to restrict sensitive evidence as a separate thing entirely from censorship.

On the topic of prohibiting trans books from schools, that is not censorship either. It is necessary to curate children's reading to ensure a proper education. We pick the books that kids read. If high school libraries didn't have books for preschoolers, would that be considered censorship? Would those books be labeled "banned" by the general public? Nope.

Rob Wasinger #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

President Trump’s recent announcement that he was seizing control of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by installing himself as head of the Center’s board of directors and long-time confidant Ric Grenell as interim executive director was met with predictable howls of outrage from the cultural left.
Trump had evidently had enough of the embarrassing woke circus.“I have decided to immediately terminate multiple individuals from the Board of Trustees, including the Chairman, who do not share our Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture,” he tweeted out on Truth Social. “NO MORE DRAG SHOWS, OR OTHER ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA, ONLY THE BEST …Ric shares my Vision for a GOLDEN AGE of American Arts and Culture, and will be overseeing the daily operations of the Center.”
In another sense, however, politics can, and does, shape culture. The popular culture of the Camelot era of the JFK presidency was heavily influenced by Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s White House and its somewhat self-conscious emphasis on sophistication, high culture, and the arts. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” politics of patriotic optimism and American renewal characterized much of 1980s popular culture in America, from movies such as Indiana Jones, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Ferris Bueller to musicals like Big River and television shows such as The Dukes of Hazard and The Cosby Show.

Despite the sneers and jeers of our cultural elite, the prospects that President Trump’s takeover of our premier cultural platform will lead to an American cultural renaissance are actually relatively high. If not a full-fledged return to the “golden age” of American dominance of the popular arts, it at least augurs the end of an aggressive wokeism, whose very measure of success is the degree to which it offends popular taste and the commonly held values of Western civilization.

SecondSkin, CryingInYourInbox & shewolfoffrance #transphobia ovarit.com

They’re still pushing the “cis women get aroused by themselves as women too” bullshit

( SecondSkin )
But… so what if women did? It doesn’t involve us violating other women’s boundaries even if some women did. Apg is a boundary violation paraphilia, it doesn’t exist without violating women’s boundaries and making us scared and unsafe. Even if there were women who get off on the idea of being a woman, they are women and that reality doesn’t involve forcing others to comply to their delusions and demands. So it’s a false equivalency. It’s like saying people who are only happy when others agree the world is flat = people who are only happy when others agree the world is not flat. It’s nonsense on stilts.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Right like let's say theyre correct and women express the same sexual behaviors we would consider to be AGP on males...the fact that they're similar wouldn't be a coincidence, it would be both women and men emulating the idea of what men find arousing. Men are the gatekeepers of sexuality, like literally. They lock women up it chastity belts and kill them for having sex. We haven't been allowed to express sexuality outside of what males deem palatable so of course there would be overlap between a woman self objectify and AGP type behaviors

( shewolfoffrance )
I mean, even if women were engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior in women-only spaces at the same rates men do (they really, really aren't), other women would at least be able to report them and take the appropriate next steps. That isn't the case with TiMs. They have Teflon armor. Even in online spaces that informally meant for women, TiMs who display obviously fetishistic behavior are treated with kid gloves, and the spaces slowly die because women would generally rather quietly pack up and go than get metaphorically burned as a witch.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “February 23, 2025: Deploy The Prons 3”]


Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #transphobia #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “I’ll be Back Soon, Friends.”]

I apologize for taking a break here

I actually haven’t really taken much of a break, as I’ve been working, but I want to be posting on this website regularly, and I want to make sure that by taking some break time, I am not sending a different message[…]
To be clear, again, because apparently it was not previously clear, I will not be doing regular news updates as I did before, but will write some essays and humor stuff. For example, I almost wrote something about that beautiful gorilla losing her show and how sad I felt seeing her tears, but then I forgot about it. I’ve also been following the Ukraine drama, and have things to say about this

I also have some hilarious jokes, such as in relation to this:
[Screenshot of article on Boston Mayor Michelle Wu]
I would say something like “I’d leave that mayor clueless after verbally trampling her Constitution, if you catch my drift”

I would also make edgy “suggestive” comments about other Asian female public figures

Everyone would find it hilarious and very original

I will also obviously need to comment on the downfall of Vologdomor Zyelendskyysisy, which appears to be impending. As well as the other thing. I forget what it was, but there was something else. Maybe that plane crash? They still haven’t released the identities, so I assume if the male was a male (and not an f-to-m trans), he was black

But I’m working on other things, including an autobiography of Elvis. You heard that right. I’m writing an Elvis biography in the first person, which in the canon of my lore, he finishes while sitting on the toilet and dying. It’s going to be really cruel to Priscilla, who truly is the villain of that story. I will publish it without permission from the family, because what are they going to do, sue me?

pennygadget , WrongToy & Cattitude #transphobia ovarit.com

Republican introduces Tim McBride as male on house floor

( pennygadget )
Good! I love to see powerful TIMs get a taste of reality. Timmy McBride isn't having as much fun now that the Biden family is no longer in power and forcing everyone to kiss his ass.

( WrongToy )
Tim McBride himself is proving he can just go forward with his speeches and other house functions regardless of whether he is called a “him” or told he can’t access women’s toilets because he is a him.

( Cattitude )
What makes me snort about this is that McBride is no gentleman. No crossdressing pervert is.

Grandma Eileen #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy pittparents.com

The transgender ideology IS indeed an evil cult. I looked up the definition for cult: "A cult is a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society, which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader (Satan????) who tightly controls its members. It is in some contexts a pejorative (expressing contempt or disapproval) term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal. This sense of the term is weakly defined – having divergent (to be different or develop in different directions) definitions both in popular culture and academia – and has also been an ongoing source of contention (heated disagreement) among scholars across several fields of study. " I was a bit surprised how closely this "cult" definition sums up the transgender ideology!

In many ways we are all living our own Hell on Earth. Just listen to any news station and the evil in this world is everywhere. Our own government is at war amongst itself, there is no peace on our land. Senseless killings, attempted assassinations, sex trafficking, kidnappings, rapes, and high crime is an everyday issue. This is all due to evil mindedness as the devil himself has poisoned the minds and souls of so many people. Look at the homeless population problems in every city, with so many people mentally ill, or drug addicts and alcoholics. Satan once again has his evil hand in all of this to keep people in bondage. Now we have transgender ideology flooding our world and influencing our youth and stealing the innocent lives of our once healthy and happy children. Satan has once again come up with a new scheme to destroy mankind.

Debra Mullins #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Freedom from religion, redistribution of wealth under the UN principle of sustainability, “science” by consensus (e.g., gender identity), deflected accountability (e.g., guns kill; people don’t), centralized power, sanctuary status, reverse discrimination, slippery cultural norms/ethics, earth servitude over stewardship, tyranny of technocracy, defund police movement, etc.—none of these components of progressivism deliver promised utopia.

Biblical Christianity alone holds the answer. For that reason, the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment intended to muzzle Christians and deny them their First Amendment right to free speech must be resisted and overturned!
Imagine government without Christian influence. For many, 21st-century Seattle comes to mind. When Christians bypass civic duty, the church suffers escalating persecution from without and spiritual deception from within. More often than not, moral relativism trumps biblical mandate. Given misplaced love of money and pleasure, many are preoccupied with materialism. Youth are seduced by scripturally-forbidden, yet culturally-celebrated alternative lifestyles and “oppositions of science, falsely so called”—i.e., gender dysphoria protocols. Young girls are compelled to forgo modesty along with a fair chance at competing in women’s sports.
Even so, while nobody will mistake Washington state for a hotbed of political conservatism, it turns out voters moved ever so slightly to the right—this, according to numbers from the recent November 5 general election. According to the Washington Secretary of State’s Office, Trump garnered 39.01% of the vote in Washington, compared to 38.77% in 2020. That’s a gain of almost one-quarter of a percentage point.
It appears that folks are waking to the query, “Is there not a cause?”

DionysusSabazios,2cor2_1 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(image is of a instagram screenshot of a bunch of people named "unbelievers and apostates" bowing down to a golden statue with the LGBTQ progress flag placed on it, below it there's text saying "the world", there's 3 men named "true christianity" shouting 'we will bow to no other god but jesus christ. we will stand on what the bible says and will never bow down!')

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “March 2, 2025: Black Pill”]


Panel 1: Cletus is walking in front of three distributors, the first one for Q-pill, Trump-pills and Christianity-pills, the second for red pills and the third one for black pills
Panel 2: Cletus buys and then eat a black pill
Panel 3: Cletus is standing in front of a sky with dark clouds
Pänel 4: Cletus is turning his head to a group of Black men beating up a White man
Panel 5: The beating up of Panel 4 is zoomed in
Panel 6: Cletus walks to the group
Panel 7: the group of Black men has noticed Cletus
Panel 8: Cletus is running away
Panel 9: A sheriff star is shown
Panel 10: Cletus open the door of the police station
Panel 11: A Shiba wearing a police uniform. Above him are flying flags for Black Lives Matter, LGBT and antifa
Panel 12: Cletus is pursued by the same group of Black men. The police station has portraits of George Floyd and in front of the station is a street sign banning White men from entering

Donald Trump #transphobia #wingnut #god-complex msn.com

Less than 15 minutes in, he noted that he had signed an executive order declaring that the federal government will only recognize two unchangeable sexes, male and female, and another order banning trans women from participating in women’s sports.

He then introduced Payton McNabb, who played volleyball in high school in North Carolina and, Trump said, planned to play sports in college until “her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a male.”

Trump said the player “smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career.”

It’s still unclear whether the player who spiked the ball and hit McNabb during the September 2022 match was trans. McNabb has said in interviews that she and her teammates were aware of a trans player on the team, but that player’s name has not been shared and she has not spoken to the press. Since then, McNabb has become a paid national advocate for state laws prohibiting trans students from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identities. She testified in favor of such a measure in North Carolina, which passed and took effect in August 2023.

Katharina #transphobia pittparents.com

I live in an extremely "progressive" (obviously the word doesn't mean what it used to) California town. Our doctors office is covered with trans flags and offers for gender counseling. It makes me literally sick. I've written about it on their Yelp review page and comment forms. Unfortunately it's the only local clinic currently taking our insurance. We use it very rarely, but it's still maddening. Recently, I went to another practice, dermatology, for my yearly skin check. The dermatologist brought in a student who was trailing her and asked if "she" could be there. I barely glanced at her and thought it was a woman. However as we went through the exam I noticed the student was wearing a trans flag pin, was much taller than average, and had *very* large feet. I began to get anxious, wondering if this was actually a man with us. I had to open my gown so she could check my front and felt extremely uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do - could I say "hey, are you a dude?"? - so I finished the appointment. Afterwards, when I caught the doctor in the hall, I explained my reservations and asked if the student was a woman or trans woman. She got super irritable with me and said, "a woman!" Being in California, I'll never really know what that meant, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they let a trans " woman" work with them and called him a woman. Extremely disturbing, I still feel violated.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Over the last six weeks, we've learned that the left's rally crowds and riot mobs are paid for - with taxpayer money - and that 90% of their online supporters are bots, not real people.

We've learned that the media outlets that promote the left's narratives and push their policies are boosted with billions of dollars in taxpayer money via illegal backdoor funding. Without that government money those same media outlets would collapse in a matter of weeks, because nobody outside of the radical left reads, watches, or listens to them.
In short, we've learned that the entire Democrat Party is nothing but smoke and mirrors, with no real support among the populace outside of homosexuals, child molesters, BLM rioters, and liberal White women. No wonder they're so gender confused - everything about them is fake.

The left can't meme, because memes communicate truth and the left is incapable of telling the truth. The same can be said about cuckservatives.
In order to get their points across, cuckservatives have to articulate a carefully constructed denial of reality. That's why instead of a simple, truth-containing meme, they need four-hour-long radio shows.
Even if that weren't the case, why on earth would you want to spend time with mentally ill leftists and cuckservatives? Leftists are salivating at the chance to molest and sexually mutilate your children. If you're White, they want to see you dead.
Does that mean you have to become a recluse? Pretty much. When you consider that roughly 40% of the population are hardcore leftists, and another 40% are cuckservatives, that doesn't leave a whole lot of people that you can safely interact with. But solitude is where God is found.

As you pursue truth yourself and your ability to tell truth from lies improves, you'll be able to hold brief interactions with leftists and cuckservatives without exposing yourself to negative consequences. Better to play it safe and cut those people from your life.

Mothers Grim #transphobia margox.substack.com

“Mom, I am transgender,” came to me when my daughter was a so-called adult and on a college campus. Never mind that flowing prom gown, college acceptance letters, acing exams, and cute dorm accessories had been her recent past obsessions. Now she was an adult. Now she was trans. Period. And then she disappeared for years.

While a horribly evil agenda had been unleashed on one of my own, believe it or not, I was somewhat lucky. I was somehow spared this evil in my own home. I would soon meet mothers of teenagers who were suddenly trans. These children sometimes also became suddenly gone. And then suddenly on drugs – and suddenly mutilated. I would meet parents whose ‘better’ halves were accomplices to these sudden crimes against their own children. I would hear stories of high school staff aiding and abetting these crimes against the children they were there to protect. And worse…

various commenters #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

As Ground Shifts, ‘Flailing’ Democrats Struggle to Find Footing in Diversity Fight - The New York Times

( crodish )
Get fucked, all of you who ever supported and enabled this insidious movement and shamed women who spoke up about it.

If you want to know why Trump is in charge it's because there WERE no left leaning parties who stood up to this shit.

( Peppermint )
Sounds like the official end of the democrats. If they keep at this, I will actually vote Republican next time.

( LunarMoose )
This really makes me angry: > But Republicans soon tapped into a backlash, turning a once-obscure academic concept, critical race theory, into a rallying cry against what they portrayed as reverse discrimination, and laying the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s more aggressive push against diversity-related efforts.>

It is not 'obscure'. Nearly all of my childs HS teachers use this in the classroom as FACT. How did the students react? The students all tried to identify out of their race/privilege. How'd they do that? The same way my graduate class did it. Some 'came out' as mentally ill (depression, anxiety and more). Others revealed they were poor and had few resources at home. And others talked about their families 'lack of privilege'. Many id'ed as 'non-binary' or 'trans'.

CRT is not obscure. It's taught EVERYWHERE. FWIW, It belongs in the world as a theory. It does NOT belong in HS taught as absolute fact. And it for sure doesn't belong in grammar school.

( ProfTerfMom )
They’re not flailing; they remain willingly chained inside the Allegory of the Cave celebrating their shadow reality.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How Trump’s Trans Order Sows Chaos for Federal Prisoners, Staff | The Marshall Project

( Carrots90 )
Love how it didn’t sow chaos when TIMs were moved into the female estate

But putting men with other men is noteworthy

( ArtemisCitrine )
Exactly. So sick of all these articles lately full of sympathy for TIMs and how afraid they are of the men's prisons.

( Carrots90 )
Him-pathy, TIM-pathy dock

In service to his cock

He lost his wife and effed up his life

Just to wear a frock

( notapatsy )
Sixteen TIMs in federal prisons and they get their own council?

I'd also worry that those who were removed from the women's prison and then re-released into the women's prison will take out their anger and frustration on the women inmates.

( GenXer )
Women saw this coming the moment that TWAW took root. Now men, you have to accept reality!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Thousands march at trans youth rallies opposing Queensland puberty blockers ban, organiser says | Transgender | The Guardian

( FemmeEtal )
Like Helen Joyce has said, the parents will be the last ones holding out worldwide. They can’t stop pushing because if they do, even for a moment, the reality that they destroyed their child because they fell for something completely stupid and illogical, will come down upon them like a ton of bricks.

I had a lady at work yesterday who’s transing her 12 year old daughter. I about bit my tongue off trying to stay quiet, and still couldn’t. I managed to say that testosterone was incredibly dangerous for females. Then she went on to assure me the doctor tells them all the potential side effects so they’re informed. ??? WTF… are you not listening??

( OnlyHuman )
Being aware of the side effects means they will never happen, somehow

( FemmeEtal )
Exactly, and survivorship bias. “No medication a doctor prescribed has ever collapsed my endocrine system so this one won’t! Even though that’s the MOA!”

The conversation started because she was complaining that the hospital called to say they need to change treatment because of the EO. (I had to poker face my relief) Then went on to say they were just going to finagle some work around loophole so the prescription can be filled elsewhere

( legopants )
The biggest cosplay of a civil rights movement to date.

( Ladylucy )
The problem is that there is no evidence based trans healthcare. There have been zero long term, controlled studies on the use of puberty blockers or cross sex hormones in children. Sorry, TRAs.

( solitaire )
The crazy thing is Queensland is one of the more conservative parts of Australia, but there’s still clearly a lot of people there that have drunk the gender ideology Kool-Aid.

Niobe #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

[Commenting on a transgender academic delivering a lecture on Greek mythology at Oxford University]

Interesting that Dr Hardwick likes going into schools and telling them about ‘Classical Culture’. I wonder if his chats include the tolerance of pederasty ?

Why do so many of these blokes take such an interest in ‘educating’ the young ? Obviously, they don’t want them to miss out on any mind extending experiences.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Pentagon Begins to Implement TIP Policy in Military

( VestalVirgin )
I am mildly curious just how much money Trump's new politics will save the state. 🤔

He is doing a lot of shit that will cost money down the line (apparently he's appeasing Covid-deniers by stopping the funding of epidemic tracking), but trans shit is so expensive (and a "gift that keeps giving", but in reverse, from the perspective of those who have to pay for it) that I wonder if he might actually save money, in total.

( Mizuna )
You can't put a price on morale. Transgenders in the military drive down recruitment, and they make our military look like a joke. Social media is full of memes like this dunking on the US military. Do you think China or Russia find this intimidating? They're probably laughing at how far our military has fallen.

( LunarMoose )
the idea that we pay for this and don't get soldiers who are 'combat ready' is insane. That's the whole premise of signing up - to be ready to fight.

But. Please. Let me just read one article in which combat readiness is raised in the msm........

( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Full Frontal attack on Women's Rights by the NY Times

( Peppermint )

Some say that foster children were being targeted

If this is true I would believe it. Its obvious to me the whole case surrounding Keira Bell is one of racism (removal of her reproductive organs), misogyny and tokenism. Foster children are defenseless, what better group to target for the trans cult?

The article mentions that trans are a "small part of the population" so why do they also mention the fucking miracle that is thousands of trans in the US military? we all know they are there for free cosmetic surgery. They aren't there to serve anybody but themselves.

Big Pharma is definitely mad. Take the free money away and the number of the trans diagnosis will drop like like a stone. None of it was real.


( pennygadget )
I would 100% believe that foster kids are groomed into the gender cult. They don't have stable families to protect them from creeps. Most of them are damaged from trauma and abuse (both physical and sexual). And many of them are desperate to find a place/community where they can belong. They are prime targets for trans groomers

( SarahWilliams_13 )
In regard to the military aspect, my therapist recently asked me how I felt (she’s GC and pretty open) about it and I asked her: well, is gender dysphoria/ dysmorphia a mental illness?

She said good question. She then said that they are currently trying to change the DSM to state that it is not a mental illness. They want all that removed, so there’s no aspect connected to mental health.

I haven’t had a chance to run it down, but she’s no conspiracy theorist and is very concerned about these things.

( OneStarWolf )
Haha wow. So they want to pretend it’s normal for people to threaten suicide if they don’t get to cut off healthy body parts and induce hormonal disorders??

But of course they still want medical insurance to be forced to cover all their cosmetic surgeries and drugs, even though it wouldn’t be considered a mental health condition any longer 🙃

These entitled assholes just want preferential treatment and free rein on surgery and drugs on their say so, no medical diagnosis needed at all! Make it make sense! You can’t, because it’s backwards cult logic.

variuos commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: By barring trans women from women’s sports, NCAA sides with bigots

( OneStarWolf )
It’s the complete opposite, you gaslighting poor excuse for an article. Biology is a bigot then. But really, the writer of this article is a raging, bigoted misogynist piece of crap that really thinks women’s reality is not worth respecting as long as a man’s feelings aren’t put first. Fuck off, dude.

( worried19 )
I wish MSN had the comments open. No way they would have been favorable to this idiot.

This level of delusion takes some work. I know the author is trans identified. Has he truly convinced himself that there are no physical differences between male and female athletes? Or he knows there are differences and just doesn't care?

( Lillith )
If he didnt think there were differences, he wouldn't insist on accessessing women's spaces. It would be all the same.

As it is, he knows that women are weaker and make an easier target than say, the male twinks that he may (also) be into.

( Terfisnotadirtyword )
It's so funny that comments for every pro trans story are turned off. It's almost like they know that people are massively against it and will say so! But how insecure that they can't even allow a conversation to happen.

( DurableBook )
I mean sure, I bet there are some bigots who happen to agree that transwomen are men. There are also lots of bigots who agree that it's cold out in the Midwest right now. Is the National Weather Service "siding with bigots" if it issues winter weather advisories?

( asmahan )
And vegetarians side with Hitler. I am glad to see that this particular line of "reasoning" is starting to lose its power a bit.

( Arenlaef2 )
We don't care, lol. That word holds no power anymore. Personally, I think it's pretty bigoted to tell women to be quiet and smile when cheating men take their spots on teams and awards, or walk around with their dicks out in their locker rooms but I consider women to be human beings worthy of respect, which TRAs do not.

Anyway 8 out of 10 people are bigots then. And the extra two can scream and stop their feet and tear out their hair but women's sports will continue to be for women. Have all the tantrums you want. No one cares.

( TheSimbul )
Reality is a bigot, then.

( Itzpapalotl )
Reality, nature, biology...All bigots!

Mothers Grim #transphobia #conspiracy margox.substack.com

The announcement of AIDS/HIV in 1982 opened the floodgates for an orchestrated “born in the wrong body” campaign. “TQ+” followed LGB for the “civil right” of living in medical drag. LGBTQ+ are inseparable in the eyes of industry. Countless industry leaders launched careers from AIDS. The LGBTQ+ juggernaut is now their master. Robert Garofalo, Caitlyn Ryan, and A.C. Demidont are among them. The media and tech sectors were poised with emerging tools to spread industry messages. The point was not always to tell the truth.


Executive orders on day one of the new administration are positive signs. Day two handshakes with technocrats and talk of Oracle are not. Oracle is one of 26 benefactors of HL7 International. They are involved in developing interoperability standards across digital platforms. Capturing the sex binary for “Gender Harmony” is happening. It is a model where social determinants of health, LGBTQ+ data and more, are collected for a global model of healthcare. The model will serve global corporations who view man as nothing but specimens in need of the rising one health model of care.

Things did not end well for members of Heaven’s Gate or the Peoples Temple who followed leaders to untimely deaths. Sons and daughters across the world are being hunted for an evil global “gender” program. Parents and citizen journalists have exposed untimely tragic deaths of the “gender” indoctrinated. May they rest in peace. Ending youth “gender medicine” is only the beginning.

An anonymous detransitioner #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

I'm 74 years old, have four children, four stepchildren and eight grandchildren, soon to be nine. Yet I was transgender for 15 years, between the ages of 12 and 26. It was a painful and unforgettable experience during which I was obsessed with not letting my trans-identity show through effeminate behaviour or a spontaneous reaction that would betray my homosexual tendencies. I mention it here because, at my age, you have to ask yourself what you want to do before you die. Well, I want to pass on my story to tell young people suffering from gender dysphoria that there are at least three ways of dealing with the pain of gender dysphoria:

1) Resigning oneself to living with dysphoria.

2) Changing one's body to match their mind via hormone therapy and surgery.

3) Reconciling your psychological identity with the biological identity of your sex with help from a qualified therapist. Today, this third path has become a new taboo called ‘conversion therapy’. It's a mistake to make it a new taboo, even if a famous documentary on the subject has mixed conversion therapy with exorcism, guilt-tripping speeches, group prayers and behaviourist therapies from another age, as well as some legitimate and honest speeches, with a certain amount of bad faith.


My experience seems to prove that there is a third way, which I call ‘reconciliation therapy’ between gender identity and sexual identity (not to be confused with ‘conversion therapy’). Yes, psychological identity is a flexible thing and there are therapies that allow you to change not only your behaviour, but also your self-image in the eyes of yourself and others.

F is for Feminist, Annie J., Alan rose #transphobia pittparents.com

(F is for Feminist)
Why should your daughter, in order to be a girl, have to present herself in the restrictive, out-dated, stereotyped trappings of a girl? That is part of the problem. [...] The trans-mob is one of the most repressive, hetero-normative, stereotyping, misogynist, anti-feminist, anti-lesbian/gay movements to ever exist and be so far reaching. Yes, fight back for your children but not by being trapped by gender stereotyping.

(Annie J.)
I agree with you, and this is what I tell my daughter. She first came out to me as bisexual, and I accepted her as so. I love her no matter what. Then she told me she was "pansexual", then it changed eventually to trans. I supported her in those earlier years by telling her to be herself - dress how she wants, cut her hair how she wants - that's no big deal. She always had a style all her own, and that's part of what makes her special. However, this whole trans thing is insanity. You are so right about the trans-mob's anti-female (anti anything but 100% trans affirming) stance. It's awful, hateful, and unrealistic. I am sickened by what it is doing to our children and cannot understand how it started, nor how to stop it. I grew up a tomboy, had boy friends, did boy things (bb guns, tree climbing, baseball, football) - it drove my mom nuts but she let me be me. I grew up a well adjusted woman. It sickens me to know if I were a kid today, that I'd be groomed and put in the trans category.

(F is for Feminist)
Yes Annie J. I too was called a tomboy. I gravitated toward “boy” things. I feel so lucky that I was able to grow into the woman I am. Today, I would have been told I was “really a boy” and could have spent my youth with a mutilated body and a lifetime on hormones.

(Alan rose)
Genesis 1:27 And God created humankind in the divine image,

creating it in the image of God—

creating them male and female.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

If you’re against males in female spaces then you obviously disbelieve all female victims too

( mathlover )
But they do harm women by their violation of women's spaces. They terrorize women.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

( BlukBerry )
That's what these men don't understand or don't even care about.

The very presence of a man in women's spaces is violating, no matter what he's doing or not doing. Donning lipstick and a wig (or, thanks to self-ID, doing nothing at all) doesn't make a man a woman and it's absurd to argue otherwise.

( Lemon_Quiche )
It's funny because TRAs don't believe the (largely female) victims of TIMs.

To the OOP (if you happen to rage-lurk this site): I believe women AND I'm against males in female spaces, and those both come from the same place.

( pennygadget )
Wait. When did Nancy Mace go after a real woman for using the ladies room because she thought it was a TIM?

( marciekr )
I can't remember her name but there was an overly-stylized Republican woman that Mace called a trans woman which was in the news for a day. The woman just laughed about it IIRC.

( TrappedInACar )
I’m not sure she did. I’m not American so I might have missed something but I’m pretty sure I would have heard of that. Cool story to talk about an imaginary TIM who could have died though, right?

( drdeeisback )
I think he's literally saying an actual woman might 'lose her life' if she were 'accused' of being trans...because you know women murder other women in bathrooms all the time for no reason at all. And (contrary to any actual statistics) TIMs are being murdered right and left for no reason at all.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

US judge temporarily blocks transfer of incarcerated trans women to men’s prisons | US news | The Guardian

( OneStarWolf )
Why wasn’t there a judicial block to stop these assholes from being put in to the women’s prisons from the very beginning? Like wtf? No one cared???

And now they’re being blocked when sanity says to fix it and return them to keep women safe. What a joke.

Put these male bastards back in their prisons and have them petition for protective wards just like any other vulnerable males might have to. Mentally ill men in prison are no more special or vulnerable than any other weak man in prison.

( Ladylucy )
I was thinking a while back about women’s prisons and TIMs in them. After WWII, we signed the Geneva Convention, and a section stated that POW camps had to separate men and women. Women should have their own sleeping areas, restrooms and showers.Now, maybe I’m being ignorant—always a possibility—but why wouldn’t PRISONER of War prisons apply to the prisons of the countries who signed? American prisons are allowing men in women’s prisons—violating women’s rights to safety, privacy and dignity. I know this is not a war situation, but I would be interested in anyone out there with a legal background giving your opinion. Can the two be equated?

( pennygadget )
This has always bothered me as well. Housing males and females together would be a war crime if we did it to literal terrorists. But not when we do it to some woman who is in jail for shoplifting or check fraud

( Lillith )
Oh, I think the Geneva Convention would be overruled for a crossdressing terrorist, if it's any consolation.

( Iota_Aurigae )
These assholes only think rape is bad when it happens to a man.

Housing men in women’s prisons is such cruel and unusual punishment that the Geneva Convention outlaws it.

( Ariti )
From what I’ve heard, the Trump admin legal team agrees with the judge (risk of harm to the trans women). And the Trump team failed to argue harm to the female inmates (justifying transfer of trans women). This is precisely the thing that worries about leaving this battle in the hands of the Trump admin and EOs - I don’t trust them to mount a cogent case. They certainly didn’t here.