
Annie #fundie pooflingers.blogspot.com

i get so angry reading blogs like this. atheist should not be considered american citizens. they have no moral compass and refuse to accept our creator!!!

you should be PROUD to be AMERICAN and not living in a country like europe or china not having the same freedoms like we do. we are the most advanced country and best country in the WORLD and its because we are the only TRUE CHRISTIAN NATION left in the world.

JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN please take this man to your heart and show him that his sinful life is NOT NEEDED and he can live in LOVE and show RESPECT to the nation that allows him to write garbage like this.

a REAL american is a CHRISTIAN american,if it does not suit you,perhaps you should try living in EUROPE and see how much freedom you get there.

God Bless America

Annie #fundie pooflingers.blogspot.com

maybe you think i leave because you insult me,but that only give me more faith and trust in GOD!

i will stay here until i made you all accept JESUS CHRIST the man who DIED for our SINS. each time he write a new blog saying something bad about GOD or his servants,i will DEFEND them.

and it really makes me saw how you attack reverend hovind who has helped so many people to come to CHRIST.i just see jealousy from u side.he is a GOOD and LOVING man of GOD and I pray that he and his wife will come out of this without any problems to show the atheist that GOD is on OUR side.

but maybe u are afraid of facing REAL challenges!!! u think your evolutionary religion is the right one, ok SHOW IT THEN,i never seen an atheist prove his religion EVER.they sit and say we come from APES,ok MAYBE U GUYS, but GOD MADE ME IN HIS IMAGE.