
Yeshua_is_king@yahoo.com #fundie prattle.net

The original sin between Adam and Eve was that they consumned each others own sexual fluids. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad was Adam's penis. If you use a digital camera to take a picture of your erect penis on the side you see when looking down at it and put the picture into your computer you can fit an equilateral triangle around the head of it. This is the Christmas tree. Anamita Muscaria mushrooms (magic mushrooms) grow under evergreen trees and are psychoactive. The Christmas tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and bad which is a symbol for Adam's penis ... The original sin altered man's mind and caused man to think in abstract ways and gave them the proclivity and drive to invent and construct things and delve into science that has resulted in all technology we see today. The pursuit of science is destroying the Earth as everything man does is destroying the very planet we live on. This knowledge from Satan the Serpent was a poison knowledge.

The serpent was also Adam's penis. The medical symbol the Caduceus is a pole with a pine cone on top with two serpents wrapped around it. The two serpents are male and female and they are the double helix of DNA and they also represent the Hindu rise of the first (anus) and second (sexual organs) chakras up the spinal column untill they reach the 6th chakra the pineal gland in the center of the brain the seat of imagination, spiritual insight and awareness.