
Precipitous120 #fundie precipitous120.deviantart.com

Has anyone ever tried to seduce an Asexual?

Gross :p

because how can you be romantic without being sexual, and thus not make the asexual throw up.

flirting too... flirting is like hinting as sex, barf.

Holding hands... Noooooo!

I guess the only way to attract your asexual future lover is to turn into a cat

o_O oh vomit Noooooo!

precipitous120 #fundie precipitous120.deviantart.com

I'm pretty sure many of you have already heard about the Transgender kid that went and off-ed themselves with a semi. ie suicide.Why? Because his parents refused him the surgery that would set him to the 'right' gender.I want to get every reaction you guys have, positive negative and even the WAAAAT factor too ere is what his ultimate goal was That's the gist of it, that';s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry, if that's not a good enough reason for you, it's good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100 percent of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don't give a sh*t which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren't treated the way I was, they're treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier, the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say thats f***ed up& and fix it. Fix society. Please.Personal I think his parents were right to refuse him the surgery, and that he did us a huge favour by just killing himself. As you can see by his comments he was a completely obnoxious person and even if he was straight, I'm sure people would have rather had him dead.Here's a link to the full story... just in case you haven't had the chance to catch up on the local news during this festive season.http://www.inquisitr.com/1715736/transgender-teen-leelah-acorn-kills-himself-by-walking-in-front-of-semi-truck-blames-christian-parents-in-viral-suicide-note/If your going do die for a cause, make sure your a nice person first... else who's going to care when your gone.For me, I just hope his parents don't take his death to hard. At the end of the day, they are the real victims not some stingy kid who was already an adult and surly could have waited 3 years to have the surgery with his own money.

[ It isn't because they simply refused her surgery. It's because they put her through MONTHS of isolation and hell. They never let her see her friends or be social at all. They never let her do anything. They tried to ""fix""" her with "therapy" that only traumatized her. She was berated and bullied every single day by her FAMILY who are supposed to support and love their children NO MATTER WHAT. Go redo your research. ]

yet he had enough freedom to find himself on a highway, which is illegal, and kill himself.

so ya I truly believe they isolated him.


he had parents that loved enough to try and treat his condition yet he only saw it as a burden

he was.a truly evil person

[ it's not a condition to treat


that's like trying to condition you to be gay when you're happily straight. It would never work and just upset you. ]

but he is talking about changing his sex totally?!

That can not possible be nature

that is just madness

[ Try to have an open mind.

Think about feeling like you were born in the wrong body. It sucks. ]

"Think about feeling like your were born in the wrong body"

See what I did there... feeling

Because it's a condition of the mind and not an actual fact

meaning it's a condition...


If I were to electric shock treat a person like him, would his now newly born brain feel he is in the wrong body?


Because when the brain is wiped of Feelings and reboots again, new Feelings come into play

[ Rot in hell, you piece of shit. This poor GIRL'S awful, transphobic parents are not victims nor will they ever be victims. They're narrow-minded, backwards ass way of thinking, and lack of support and love is what killed they're daughter.

Fuck you for taking their side, fuck you for misgendering, and insulting a dead teenage girl, and especially fuck you for staying she did a huge favor for committing suicide.


Do you understand why I will never take you seriously?

because where I use simple language to talk and convey my understanding and perspective of the world.

You use violent and vulgar insults to express yourself, which to me reflects your mentality, a mentality of someone who is insane and without any logical reason