
justjohn1 #fundie profile.theguardian.com

[On a pregnant 10 year old whose life is in danger being denied an abortion]

The people of Paraguay want to avoid abortion at all costs due to their faith. They see us as the murderers for being so acceptant of abortion. A woman can have unsafe sex and have an abortion up to 24 weeks into the pregnancy.

I am not religious in any way but i see that as the murder of an unborn child. Not an abortion. We are the bigger monsters than Paraguay.

You can get an abortion here faster than a Mcdonalds when the unborn child is 24 weeks and has hair, due to your own stupidity of having unsafe sex or change of mind. Yet we are the good guys?

The mother's life is in danger in every pregnancy if you look at it that way. I don't have agenda,

I just find it utterly unbelievable that Paraguay produces so many beautiful babies due to their laws on abortion while we murder them up to 24 weeks due to our own stupidity. Paraguay must be thinking we have some cheek to cast judgement on their views.

I'll say again, the mother's may die in every pregnancy, should we just abort every child then?

She is 10 years old so hopefully the psychological damage will be minimal after some therapy and she will have created another beautiful human life in the process.

In the future, she will probably be happy she did it and as a result kept in line with her faith's teachings. You are merely speculating she will be heavily damaged when this is certainly not always the case.

if abortion in the UK was illegal, they would maybe be a lot more careful and use contraceptives more responsibly. Many would think twice about engaging in unsafe sex with the knowing that there is no way out by the option of the murder of their unborn child.

I'm not trying to punish girls for having sex, I am criticizing woman who are careless and irresponsible then go off for an abortion. They are not just hurting themselves, but murdering an innocent defenceless unborn child in the process. Disgusting, in my SUBJECTIVE opinion.