Mike Bowman #conspiracy reddirtreport.com
It's been know that the Freemasons paid for the Guidestones. No surprise there.While we can use a world government, one world currency, and need to get rid of freaking boarders, we don't need it done by this so called "elite". They are in their interest only. America was founded on Satanism. Freemasons and Illuminati's all practice it. They follow the Jewish Kabbalist which believe they are the descendants of Abraham (the child promised by God) The only problem is that the child they follow is not the correct one. Please read Jewish beliefs. Jews own the banking system, news media outlets, and world leaders. Ever wondered why you see nothing but Jews in movies? Because they own it all. Jennifer Aniston...Jew...Adam Sandler...Jew...Jerry Seinfeld....Jew....Larry David...Jew...really focus on how much you see that is Jew related. Also...ever wonder why you always hear about the Jew holocaust? Because the Jew elite want you to feel sorry for them in every way so you oppose anyone that tries to oppose Israel. You don't hear about the 14 million Ukrainians Stalin killed. Or how many Russians died in WWII do you? Because Jews don't want you to care about them at all. The Jewish Zionist rule the world. Rothchild....a Jew. Make sense yet? The Knights Templar...where Freemasons came from....were sworn to protect the Ark of the Covenant in Israel....where ever the Ark went countries ruled....am I making more sense yet? America was founded in 1397 NOT 1492. Christopher Columbus...Freemason...Paul Revere...Freemason...Ben Franklin, George Washington...Freemasons! America was founded on Satanism. All the elite have claimed overpopulation. AIDS was created to kill blacks in Africa. It's not working fast enough so they spread Ebola now. They admitted AIDS wasn't working fast enough. Albert Pike wrote a letter outlining the 3 world wars that need to happen to bring in the grand plan. WW3 is to be a war against muslims....this was wrote in 1871!!!! This plan has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. The people in control really believe they are descendants of Gods. We are a product of their control. Look how many people are throwing up the triangle that Jay Z does....it's the all seeing eye in a pyramid...people are too stupid to see it. The elite are not stupid. Dumb people down with porn, football, Kim Kardashians nasty ass, crappy music with black people flashing $100 everywhere but can't pay their tax bills. The elite have done a great job of making you want to give away your rights and people fall right for it...threat of ISIS HAHA! All your tax money spent on super weapons and they call ISIS a threat? See how dumb everyone is....what do we pay taxes for them? To become more stupid? I think so. The end game is for everyone to bow down to Lucifer. Oh Statue of Liberty...designed by a Freemason. It's a statue of the one who bears light on the world.....Lucifer. Ok that's your lesson for today now go research for yourself.