
Linda Cebrian #homophobia rhobserver.com

It started as a plea for societal tolerance. Over 40 years later, it has become a demand for advocacy — by minor children.

On April 19, student members of pro-homosexual clubs in public high schools may remain silent for the entire school day to entreat sympathy for students affected by same-sex attraction and/or gender confusion. This “day of silence” seeks to promote the LGBTQ image as normative adolescent sexual development, thus encouraging a “gay” identity at an early age. Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the cold fact that 2 percent of the U.S. population engaged in homosexual sodomy in 2010, resulting in 62 percent of all new HIV cases that year.

Schools and parents who allow this event are doing a disservice to our youth. “LGBTQ” is not ontological. No one is born/created that way. Does it make sense to advocate for a lifestyle choice proven to shorten one’s lifespan?

Interestingly, as this “day of silence” stumps for sexual minorities, it does not acknowledge or affirm former homosexuals. So Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays has developed a handbill for students and their parents promoting recognition of ex-gays. (http://pfox.org/school_resources_handout.pdf)

Linda Cebrian