
Steven Anderson #fundie sanderson1611.blogspot.com

Paul Chappell Sending Effeminate Pastor to Tempe

So Paul Chappell is blessing us with a church plant here in Tempe called Citypoint Baptist Church. The Pastor’s name is John Guy, but I call him “Pastor Polka Dot.” When I first heard about him, I clicked on his website and saw him in this trendy polka dot shirt. His Twitter profile shows him in a pink polka dot shirt and super skinny jeans, and what did I find on facebook? More polka dots! I’ve now seen this guy in at least four different polka dot shirts, so the nickname I gave him definitely fits. I would expect any grown man who names the name of Christ to be manly, but this John Guy is a pastor!

Even a casual internet search of secular websites will tell you that polka dots are normally worn by women and that men in polka dots are very “fashion forward” and run the risk of looking “flamboyant.” In fact, Pastor Polka Dot is so cutting edge, there’s a picture of him on facebook in skinny SHORTS. I’ve been preaching against skinny jeans for a while, but I didn’t even know skinny shorts were a thing! And let’s face it, men who try to show off their body look effeminate and queer!

We’ve got a bunch of skinny-jeans wearing sissies coming to Tempe to start a church. Not only does the pastor look effeminate, but he’s bringing music director, Mark Rasmussen Jr., whose mannerisms are way worse. I mean, I hope Mark is straight because he comes from a good family, but I’m having a hard time believing it. If these guys don’t want to be accused of being queer, then why do they look like queers and act like queers!? Why don’t they start dressing like men?

Steven Anderson #fundie sanderson1611.blogspot.com

A lot of people will mock a Christian husband or wife for being “the jealous type,” but jealousy in and of itself is not a sin, and I submit to you that jealousy can be godly. The Bible says repeatedly that God is jealous, and Paul spoke of his own “godly jealousy” in 2 Corinthians Chapter 11:

“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” -- 2 Corinthians 11:2-3

Some of you need to get a little godly jealousy! If you let your wife go out to lunch with another man, you’re worldly. The modern philosophy that says it’s okay to have close friends of the opposite gender is a recipe for disaster, and it’s normal for a husband to feel jealous when it comes to his wife.


Yes, jealousy can cause strife in a relationship, but if your husband is acting jealous, maybe it’s because you are dressing provocatively or having close friendships with other men. Or perhaps your wife resents the fact that you are becoming too close with a female coworker. Confiding in someone of the opposite gender about problems in your marriage is a form of infidelity and can lead to full blown adultery.

It’s okay to be friendly and talk to people of the opposite gender, but always keep things professional. My old pastor used to say that men and women should have “short conversations” with each other. He also said that he never hugged another woman unless she was old enough to be his grandmother. Your wife belongs to you, and you belong to her, so it’s normal for both of you to feel protective of your marriage and try to safeguard it from outside threats.

Steven L Anderson #fundie sanderson1611.blogspot.com

"Jesus-is-Savior.com" Attacks our Film "After the Tribulation"

There is an article on the website www.jesus-is-savior.com attacking our film After the Tribulation, which came out last December and has been viewed online over 1.3 million times so far (if you add up the view counts of the several versions uploaded to YouTube). Here are a few excerpts from the article:

["In the film, Dr. Kent Hovind denounces the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Kent Hovind is wrong about a Young Earth and he's wrong about the Rapture. The Bible teaches an Old Earth. Dinosaurs never co-existed amongst mankind."]

This should tell you everything you need to know about David Stewart, the man behind the website jesus-is-savior.com. He believes that the earth is billions of years old! Instead of the Bible being his final authority, he twists the words of the Bible to make them match up with the "science falsely so-called" of our day.

Steven L Anderson #fundie sanderson1611.blogspot.com

In my fire alarm business, I am constantly testing batteries and measuring their voltage. When a battery is completely dead, there is no potential difference between the positive and negative poles, and a multimeter will read 0 volts. This equilibrium produces no energy, and the battery is therefore worthless.

Magnetism operates on similar principles. There is a force of attraction between unlike poles and a force of repulsion between like poles.

The difference between north and south produces the attraction.

What does any of this have to do with marriage?
The difference between men and women is what causes the attraction between them. When a man and woman get married, this attraction is very strong. There is very powerful electricity in their relationship. Often, however, the newness wears off over time, and the attraction can become very weak. The battery goes dead so to speak. Why is that?

When a battery goes dead, it is because there is equilibrium between the positive and negative leads. Just as electrical energy is fueled by the difference between "positive" and "negative," and magnetic energy thrives on the difference between "north" and "south," so the male/female energy is powered by the difference between "masculine" and "feminine."

As our society destroys the differences between male and female, and especially husband and wife, the attraction becomes less and less, and the voltage of our marriages is reduced. That is why our sinful world views married life as being "boring" and "unexciting." In order to have an exciting love life, they must keep switching to a different partner. It is possible, on the other hand, to have a very exciting married life and be very strongly physically attracted to your spouse as long as the difference between the masculine and the feminine is maintained.

Modern American culture teaches us that there should be equality between a man and a woman in marriage. This is the biggest turn off in the world for both parties. If there is equality, then there will be much less attraction between the man and his wife. When there is a big difference between husband and wife, they will be much more attracted to one another. If the husband is completely in charge, and the wife is completely submissive and subject to him (as the Bible commands), then they will have a very "high voltage" love life. Equality = a dead battery.

As men in America become more and more feminine, and women become more and more masculine, the difference between a man and his wife is dramatically reduced. Husbands and wives become more and more apathetic about their physical relationship with each other. This leads to people looking outside of their marriage for the spark and excitement they are lacking at home. If, on the other hand, the husband is firmly in power, being the head of household, sole breadwinner, and acting/dressing in a manly fashion, and the wife is very submissive to her husband, a homemaker, cooking and cleaning, wearing skirts/dresses, long hair, etc., the voltage of the relationship will be cranked up, and husband and wife will find themselves very strongly attracted to one another. Greater potential difference = stronger electromotive force.

The world will not accept this obvious, basic, scientific truth because it is not politically correct. Even though atheists claim to be scientific, they ignore all the empirical evidence and insist on male/female equality. Unfortunately many Christians are buying into similar philosophies in their home life and are consequently missing out on a truly electrified marriage.

Steven L Anderson #fundie sanderson1611.blogspot.com

According to verse 15, the “covering” referred to is long hair. Therefore, according to this passage, it is a shame and dishonor to Christ for a man to have long hair. There is no place in the Bible that even insinuates that Jesus had long hair. Sodomite homosexuals such as Michelangelo painted Jesus to look effeminate and to have long hair in order to make him fit their own queer image.

These same type of paintings have also given people the idea that “Jesus did not wear pants.” Some have even made utterly ridiculous and bizarre statements such as, “pants had not been invented yet,” or “they didn’t have pants back then.” According to these “scholars,” the men of the past who built the pyramids and Stonehenge just hadn’t thought of pants yet!

What I believe is based upon the Bible, not “historical evidence,” but the historical record also proves that men in the ancient Middle East wore pants. For example, at the famous battle of Thermopylae (480BC), every historian reports that the Persian (Iranian) soldiers were wearing pants down to their ankles, while the homosexual, perverted Spartans were wearing short skirts or even less!