
Anonymous #fundie thefactofcreation.blogspot.com


You've been seduced by the Dark Side.

If Archaeopteryx did have feathers, there is a recent counter-example discovery of a similar yet older creature, Xiaotingia zhengi, in China. Researchers now conclude that these two creatures are NOT related to modern birds, but to extinct Velociraptors.

There are no valid transitional forms known of true macro evolution. You have many examples of fossils - dead things - that have been interpreted as transitional forms. But realize that these are INTERPRETATIONS and nothing more. There is no solid evidence of change going from one species to the next. After all, you'd have to change the DNA code to change the organism, right?

Researchers have tried real time, but they’re unsuccessful. If you look at the mutation experiments on the fruit fly, drosophila melanogaster with its generation period of 11 days, you'll find that virtually all mutations are harmful if not lethal. They've been breeding fruit flys for decades with NO transitional forms and NO change in species. Think about it – you’d have to not only modify, but ADD beneficial DNA coding to effectively change the organism. Fruit fly mutations have formed an additional pair of wings, but they’re useless. How many protein sequences would it take and what is the probability of generating enough nucleotide changes to produce sufficient amino acids and then proteins for additional flight muscles? Don't be sheepish on the math here gentlemen. Can you prove to me that you can accurately calculate biological probabilities? Just saying "it's possible" denies the fact that it's not probable.

Let me repeat: There are no proven transitional forms. In fact, biological history is full of JUNK SCIENCE in terms of human transitional forms. Let me summarize these historical frauds which were once hailed as so-called "missing links".

Con jobs: Piltdown man was found to be a pig's tooth in 1952. Ramapithicus was later identified as an ape. Australopithicus has also been later identified as an ape (now extinct). Nebraska man was later identified as a pig's tooth. Peking man, Java man, Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon man, Heidelberg man and Neanderthal man are all inconclusive. And Neanderthal man - who had a brain larger than ours - shows me we're the ones who have been conned.