
Paul Cohen #fundie thepathoftruth.com

Hi Sam,

I ran across Josiah’s blog while looking up something about evolution. I am in the process of writing a letter that I could perhaps share with the two of you. You might find it worthwhile.

I notice on your site you say:

“On the other hand, a great many Creationist organization list in their
mission statements that part of their goal is to deconstruct Evolution (with the goal, one would imagine, of leaving Creationism the only viable alternative). This is not Biblical.”

I am not sure you realize what the word “deconstruct” means. I quote from an online dictionary:

“1. To break down into components; dismantle.2. To write about or analyze.”

Perhaps you think the people that used the word meant something different by it. Whatever the case, there is nothing unBiblical about analyzing something if that entails refuting what is not true. In fact, the Bible itself stands as a Refutation of all things not true.

There is nothing in our physical world that is more untrue than the teaching of evolution as the explanation for God’s creation. And the source of this lie is found in the spiritual realm, where man, the rebel, says, “Who are You to tell me what to do?!”

Peace in Christ, Lord and Creator, and Savior of those that believe on Him,


Victor Hafichuk & Paul Cohen #fundie thepathoftruth.com

What is Richard Brown smoking? Mr. Hafichuk did not say that “creationism should be exempt from the rigors of science.” He said that those teaching evolution should walk the talk, and put up some hard evidence before opening their mouths. There is not one single incontrovertible piece of evidence that supports evolution. NOT ONE. And Brown has the nerve to talk about science? His explanation of thermodynamics is pure deceitfulness. It is common knowledge among scientists, including ones espousing evolution, that there are no known violations of the second law of thermodynamics, whether in open or closed systems. Honest scientists admit that the organized complexity of biological organisms requires two additional factors besides an open system (sun providing energy). These are: a “program” (information) to direct the growth in organized complexity and a mechanism for storing and converting the incoming energy to maintain life. Evolution has no answer or explanation for the presence of either, the development of which contravenes the second law of thermodynamics. The formation of ice crystals from water does not answer this conundrum. Snowflakes simply represent water’s movement towards equilibrium at a lower energy level. They are not an example of matter forming itself into more organized or complex systems, but are the result of the intrinsic nature of the constituent elements forming repeating structures with minimal complexity and no function. Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine puts it this way: “The point is that in a non-isolated [open] system there exists a possibility for formation of ordered, low-entropy structures at sufficiently low temperatures. This ordering principle is responsible for the appearance of ordered structures such as crystals as well as for the phenomena of phase transitions. Unfortunately this principle cannot explain the formation of biological structures.” Brown has put up a smokescreen to obfuscate the truth. He has employed sheer bravado to cover over the absolute bankrupt and totally unscientific whimsy called evolution (it cannot even be called a theory because it is entirely unprovable). Why the determined doggedness to maintain and promote blatant error? Because Brown, along with all mankind, would rather not answer to his Creator. He wants to continue as a free agent, doing what is right in his own eyes. It is the sheer arrogance of the spirit of rebellion that says to God, “Who are You to tell me what to do? I know better!” Enamored of this ungodly position, Brown becomes the consummate fool, espousing and promoting an idea that for pure ridiculousness has never, and shall never be matched. Man, made in the image of God, insists on being the son of amoeba. How great the fall!

-- Paul Cohen

Victor Hafichuk’s reply to Richard Brown, also sent as a letter to the editor:

Contemplating the controversy of evolution, I was on my lawn one day. I had spread compost on it. Everywhere I looked, I saw organic material until I spotted a fruit sticker that had not broken down in the composting. It was something obviously foreign. I realized that I could distinguish something man-made, of specific and deliberate design, versus what was natural. What person in his or her right mind could declare that the deliberate, descriptive fruit sticker could have evolved from nothing, or even on its own from something? Yet, with the God-given intelligence granted, we have discovered that the natural substance I put on the lawn has biological, intelligent, living organisms and countless design features that put the fruit sticker to shame, though we obtained the materials for making the sticker from that which already existed. I had a scientific experience, but not to be appreciated without the gift of reason. Science has observed and verified God’s creation. True science proves creation everywhere in everything, all the time. However, as monkeys cannot manufacture Lego toys in a lab, not having the reason or intelligence, though granted all the time, components, equipment, and even an enormous amount of guidance, so man who denies his Creator cannot discern the obvious. Without God, he has little reason. Without reason, he is an idiot, truly. Richard Brown dismisses teaching creationism in science class, stating that creationism cannot be substantiated by scientific principles. I may not have made my point amply clear to him, that being that anything unsubstantiated by sound scientific principles should not be permitted in science class. Evolution has not one verifiable fact. It defies all science, not to mention reason, yet its proponents call it “science.” As he has challenged creationists to “put up or shut up,” so I have challenged him to dispense with theory and tell us what sure facts there are to defend the “theory” of evolution. He has not done so. He has used big words, made himself sound like one who understands science, and even creationism, but neither he nor any one else has provided any conclusive proof to defend their ludicrous theories. My point is to address his hypocrisy, point out his sophisticated ignorance, and throw his challenge back to him. You say creationists are without substance. Show us yours. I know I can be as stupid and ignorant as any person, and could believe in evolution. I acknowledge that it is by the sheer grace of God that I can hear, see and understand. For that, I am so thankful, especially when I witness examples of such darkness in thinking as that of credulously entertaining evolution theory.

-- Victor Hafichuk

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