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Black Elk (1863-1950), an Oglala Sioux holy man who toured with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show when he was young described one of his experiences, way before the UFO phenomenon had become bastardized by mass-media:

“So when I went to vision quest, that disk came from above. The scientists call that a—Unidentified Flying Object, but that’s a joke, see? Because they are not trained, they lost contact with the wisdom, power and gift.”

“So that disk landed on top of me. It was concave, and there was another one on top of that. It was silent, but it lit and luminesced like neon lights. Even the sacred robes there were luminesced, and those tobacco ties lying there lit up like little light bulbs.”

“Then these little people came, but each little group spoke a different language. They could read minds, and I could read their minds. I could read them. So there was silent communication. You could read it, like when you read silent symbols in a book. So we were able to communicate—They are human, so I welcomed them. I said, “Welcome, Welcome—”

Here we have the written, unambiguous testimony of pivotal figure in the Sioux culture, a legendary man who was the cousin of Crazy Horse, telling us about his interaction with extraterrestrial beings aboard their luminous UFO.

Without exception, all Native American tribes foster an umbilical connection with Mother Earth. They see themselves as the “original caretakers” of our planet and lament the path to destruction we’re currently on. Many tribal figures see this as the primary reason behind the weakening of the bond between humanity and the Star People.

But at the same time, this implies that a global shift in our attitude towards the place we call home could rekindle this dwindling connection.

So maybe that’s where all the good aliens are: out of sight, waiting for us to come into our senses.

UFOHOLIC #conspiracy ufoholic.com

Photos sent back by Curiosity show what looks like an armored alien soldier keeping an eye on the curious Rover. Is NASA under surveillance?

While searching through NASA images captured by the SUV-sized explorer, the owner of YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible made a strange discovery that could constitute yet another piece of evidence towards proving Martian life exists. Or once existed.

Sitting amid the dust and boulders on the Martian surface was a figure eerily reminiscent of a buff warrior wearing combat armor and holding what looks like a gun. An alien soldier perhaps?

The weird appearance doesn’t appear to be a living creature but rather a stone sculpture that has somehow managed to stand the red planet’s harsh test of time.

If this is a statue indeed, it was definitely meant to represent something. The menacing look and defiant stance attest to its possible warlike character. That would be quite fitting.

In Roman mythology, Mars was the god of war and the Solar System’s fourth planet was named after him. Seeing Mars in the sky was considered an omen and its apparition often foretold conflict.

Did the ancients know something about Mars, something that was lost over time? Or was the naming just a coincidence?

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MJ-12 is a secret control group. President Eisenhower authorized a secret society known as The Jason Society in order to sift through all the facts, evidence. Technology. Lies and deception and find the true answer behind the alien question. The society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12. MAJIC 12 has total control of everything, they are nominated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3, all the way through the members of the Jason Society.

MJ-12 assassinated President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to tell the public all the facts regarding the alien presence. He was killed by the Secret Service agent driving his car and it is clearly visible in the film withheld from the public view. A secret meeting was constructed for MJ-12 in Maryland and it was described as only accessible by air. It contained full living, recreational and other facilities for MJ-12 and the Jason Society. It is code named “The Country Club”

UFOHOLIC #conspiracy ufoholic.com

An extremely unusual apparition has left Zambian people in a state of shock and disbelief.

The gigantic humanoid was spotted floating menacingly over a shopping mall in Kitwe, Zambia’s largest city. With a population of over half a million, you can be sure the strange alien being was witnessed by many pairs of eyes.


A simple analysis of the images reveals one thing: the similarity between the ethereal alien entity and humans or the humanoid form is uncanny, therefore not accidental. Whoever or whatever is responsible for the cloudy phantasm wanted to send a message. This theory is supported by the fact that the floating humanoid appeared to be looking down, meaning his attention was focused on the humans below.

Some viewers were quick to point out the scary figure was eerily reminiscent of the Dementors from the Harry Potter universe but that’s just a connection made by cinephiles and not an actual explanation for the weird event. In reality, this ghostly figure could be the result of something much darker and with grave implications:

Project Blue Beam.

One of the most popular conspiracy theories out there states that the New World Order has been secretly developing holographic technology so advanced it could dupe the entire planet into believing world-changing events are happening. Drawing on the general populace’s greatest fears, Project Blue Beam would seek to disseminate concern, panic and eventually terror by projecting holograms into the sky.

An enormous space show taking place in all corners of the globe would create the illusion that the end times are near, making humanity vulnerable and susceptible to being conquered. As prophetic visions of the world’s religions fill the sky, mayhem would take over major cities. Attacks that are carefully simulated and orchestrated would elevate panic levels to unprecedented levels, paving the way for the so-called New Messiah.

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Using technology we would now call rudimentary, Project Sigma scientists managed to pinpoint the relative location of a suspicious group of asteroids moving in an orderly fashion. Using the telecommunications equipment developed using the technology aboard the downed UFOs, a transmission was sent in their general direction. The reply did not take long and a meeting was scheduled.

However, the message was also intercepted by another extraterrestrial presence that kept a close eye on our planet. A Nordic species known as The Blues contacted the humans and advised them not to enter any arrangements with the force that had moved from the outskirts of the solar system into an equatorial orbit around Earth. They warned us about the other alien species and the fact that they only serve themselves.

The Blues refused to offer us any of their technology. Instead, the Blues offered to support us in our spiritual development but asked something in return: that mankind collectively dismantled their nuclear arsenal. As a young species, they said, we were not qualified to wield such power of our own making and even less capable to act responsibly if given alien military technology. We would only use it to bring destruction upon ourselves. They warned humanity about its path of self destruction and condemned the fact that we were killing each other, polluting the planet and wasting Earth’s natural resources.

The committee met their demands with extreme suspicion and prejudice, believing that nuclear disarming was not in the best interest of the United States and that it would leave the world helpless in the face of an alien threat. Naturally, some power-hungry high-ranking official dismissed their offer and attention was focused on getting that sweet, sweet alien tech.

The diplomatic relations endeavor came to fruition on April 25, 1954, when key figures within the US Government and emissaries of the species we would later call the Tall Greys broke bread for the first time at Edwards AFB in southern California. Other sources claim the meeting actually took place two months earlier at Holloman Air Force Base, six miles SW of Alamogordo, New Mexico. But we’re not here to argue logistics and locations. What really matters is the outcome of the deal struck with the grey aliens.

The information exchange was done telepathically between representatives of both worlds. It is unclear what the aliens’ true motivation was but the reason they invoked was genetic in nature.

The Greys revealed to their human counterparts that their DNA was of suffering extreme degradation. As a species, they were dying and were in desperate need of a solution to overcome the situation. They required complete and unrestricted access to the human genome in order to develop a stable method for human-grey hybridization and thus ensure their continued existence.

The Tall Greys claimed they wanted permission to abduct humans and perform genetic research without harming their ‘test subjects’. The humans, they promised, would be returned unscathed and with absolutely no memory of their ordeal. An agreement was reached following the discussions, one that would prove very lucrative for those involved. Unfortunately, the consequences would be disastrous for the rest of the world.

These are some of the conditions they imposed:

1. The United States would not reveal to the rest of the world any information about the Greys’ presence on Earth
2. Extraterrestrial operations would not be hindered and interference would not be tolerated
3. The US would oversee the construction of several underground bases. The bases would be operated by both human and Grey personnel. Initially, old Atomic Energy Commission underground bases were converted into working stations. When the operation began to grow in size, newer and larger facilities were built. It is unclear how many of them were constructed, but reports suggest 26 became operational in the Southwest alone.
4. The United States would allow the aliens to abduct a limited number of humans that were to be returned unharmed and with their memory wiped.
5. The aliens would decide who gets abducted but the list would need approval from the National Security Council.
6. The aliens would provide the US with advanced weaponry and assorted technology, gravitational and electromagnetic propulsion systems and mind control/alien implant technology.

"That's no moon!" Award

Brian C MacDonald #conspiracy ufoholic.com

The moon is in fact an alien base—
And this ‘lunar wave’ that we see, hologram or not—. Is a mask over what the moon really is as to hide the real features of the moon.

If there are in fact aliens on/in the moon and the Elite is in fact hiding that fact from is, it would be entirely possible and logical for them to create a hologram over the moon; especially with our increasingly powerful telescopes and more people being able to observe more detail at will. The Elite probably had already thought that with advancements in technologies and more powerful telescopes that eventually any one would be able to see the surface of the moon and what is really there.

We haven’t been back to the moon in over 40 years—. And I believe that cost has nothing to do with it when the government spends the money on a lot less important things.

I believe the fact is aliens are there. We are not welcome. And either The Elite themselves, aliens, or both have created this hologram as to keep the secrets secret.

UFOHOLIC #conspiracy ufoholic.com

Do You Believe the Moon is Real? Because Analysis Shows it Might be a Hologram

Recent studies of the moon have revealed a strange anomaly in the form of a lunar wave that has led some UFO enthusiasts and analysts into believingthat the Moon is in fact a hologram.

A new theory has emerged after more people analyzing the Moon using high-definition telescopic cameras saw that the image they were receiving through the scope was perturbed by what they call a “lunar wave”.

Mr. Crow did a great job in capturing this moment, along with other eleven people. He claims that the “lunar wave” is an anomaly usually encountered while projecting an image, thus speculating about the possibility of the Moon being an actual hologram.

At first, the malfunction of the camera was considered, but after analyzing the bizarre phenomenon for a couple of weeks, he concluded that the line interfering with the Moon’s surface is not due to the “pixelation or shredding of the signal”, but it’s an actual “organic line.”

If the projection comes from space or from planet Earth, we are yet to find out, but current analysis only point towards the obvious anomaly known as “the lunar wave” and a few more evidence revealed by some Russian scientists.

Known as a reliable source when it comes to UFO disclosure, revealing never before seen footage of chem planes and orb UFOs, Mr. Crow tries to solve the lunar mystery. He said the following:

“I have been at this for a long time, I have been relentless in my search and in filming and observing the moon and everything that happens and it is true, from the people I have talked to, and there are other people talking about the moon being a hologram, and quite a few people are aware of this.”

After the groundbreaking footage was released, Mr. Crow tells how he has been contacted by three individuals occupying positions allowing them to have access to extended knowledge about things than are normally forbidden to the rest of the population. He was told that he is on the right track, but at the same time he received critics and defaming interpretations of his work. Could his theory regarding the Moon being a hologram actually prove to be true?

Well, as a matter of fact Mr. Crow is a rational and well educated person, and if we check his theory better, it sounds quite convincing:

“My guess is that when the Moon is in its quarter phases, or slivers, or other things, you are actually looking at the Moon. I think that when it starts to get full or well-lit on the face, they cover it with a hologram so we can’t see what they are doing under there— It’s not what you think it is, I can tell you that it’s not just a rock in space— there’s a lot going on up there.”