
Insideac #fundie ultimate-guitar.com

You know, truly, everyone could become a "sexual predator". These guys, the dateline people, they pose as a 13 year old girl, and initiate the conversations, and lure the men into saying things like that, and eventually getting them to a point where they are so horny that they just need a quick fix, and so that leads them over. Any male in his natural mind would not resist having sex with a younger, fresher girl that started talking to him, provoking him, prodding him, arousing him, and enticing and seducing him. I say what alot of people think, but are too scared to say. Its the truth, that most of the people on this show are really set up, basically, and lured in. There are some pedophiles that are actual predators, in that they actively seek out little boys and girls and violate and rape them, but there are also alot more that are just normal people, who were seduced into something that they would clearly not do, had they been in a normal state of mind.