
Cathryn #fundie whatpartofmeow.blogspot.com

The controversy over Chik-fil-a CEO saying they do not support glbt marriage just shows who the real bigots are. The leftist/liberal/glbt people who don't believe that people should have the freedom to disagree with them. Their temper tantrum mentality of throwing a fit every time someone exercises their freedom of speech shows that THEY are the real bigots. They want us to live under a fascist dictatorship (no matter who gets the presidency in November we will be there. Sooner if Obama is re-elected)where no one has the freedom to have an opinion contrary to so-called popular opinion. Remember pollsters that espouse a liberal agenda pick areas that will support their agenda not areas where they will get low results. Pollsters that espouse conservative views tend to be more honest than liberals.

The liberals need to stop using terrorist/ Muslim tactics to get their way.
the glbt community needs to stop trying to force others to espouse their viewpoint. When glbt people try to force their opinion on those that disagree it proves that their agenda is not good for all people. It is only good for a minority of 8-10 percent.