BornAgain123 #fundie

There's a big First Baptist Church in my city that had plans to build a BIGGER church 2 years ago. I mean they had pretty much everything locked up-the funds, agreements with city leaders over the land, etc.

However-after 6 months or so of a sign saying "Future sight of our First Baptist Church" on some land near our house, that sign hasn't been seen since, and that piece of land is still nothing but growing grass. No workers, cement, grass cut w/ mud and dirt all over the place, or even a single blueprint.

Obviously, this church scratched their plans to build a new and bigger church.
It shouldn't have had anything to do with money, b/c like I said, the funds for it were already in the bag. And their agreements with contractors, city leaders, et al were locked in stone as well.

Pt being that maybe, JUST MAYBE, God may have gave discernment to that pastor to not to do so...for the reason being IF we're approaching the end times, then building a new church would have been unecessary.

Just a thought that hit me today, that's all.



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