Kevine Walcott #conspiracy

Kevine Walcott, a self-described “Labour activist”, has launched an antisemitic tirade on Twitter.

Walcott sent a barrage of tweets at Channel 4 reporter Cathy Newman when Newman was interview Jackie Walker, who has been embroiled in an antisemitism row.

Among Walcotts twitter comments were “Jews ran slavery”, “It’s time you apologize to for the slave trade”, “You and Jewish community has never apologise for your well documented role in the slave trade and its the greatest holocaust”, and “More people died in slavery than the holocaust and Jews ran slavery”.

She also described her comments as “not anti-semitism, facts”. Nonetheless, the American Historical Association considers insinuations of Jewish dominance in the slave trade to be antisemitic and not corresponding to historical fact.

She also said “the jews was so proud of their role in the slave trade they named many slave trade organisations after themselves”



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