Every country that has experimented with women in actual combat has abandoned the idea, and the notion that Israel uses women in combat is a feminist myth.
Uh, no, you're wrong. Oh, and guess what our women in Iraq and Afghanistan are putting their limbs and lives on the line there in combat situations. Women are USAF fighter and bomber pilots. Thankfully you're not running the DoD.
Also Pavlichenko.
Because warfare is so manly these days and Lord knows a woman can't operate a firearm or drop a bomb from a plane. You have to have a dick to be able to do that! *eyeroll*
*Represses painful urges to make jokes about weapons operated by the Fifth Limb* And Phyllis-- you are provably wrong: Women in the military.
Lady, if you hate being a woman so much, there are operations to fix that.
I'm sure the transgender community won't want you either, though.
Says the misogynistic cunt (and I normally don't approve of the word) who said "By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape." Why does she hate her gender so much?
Phyllis Schlafly's mere existence as a woman in a position of power (I think she's a lawyer?) painfully contradicts everything that comes out of her mouth. There's no bigger hypocrite anywhere, nor is there anyone with such self-loathing. How dare she tell the rest of us women how to behave when she's not behaving that way herself.
The nomadic tribes around Mongolia have a long history of women warriors.
To this day there are still women warriors there
From northern China to Turkey women in combat
have proven to be good riders, archers and
close combat fighters.
If you study history on the Great wall of China
you'll find that people who had women in their
ranks are part of the reason that wall was built.
I know a woman in the armed forces, Canadian armed forces to be precise. she's in armored recon. your know, the most likely to get shot at first, front line soldiers.
I'm sorry but the Soviet Union used women in actual WW2 combat against the German Wehrmacht (army).
In fact the first land engagement at Stalingrad in WW2 was between the Red Army 1077th AA regiment made up primarily of female army volunteers (i.e. not conscripts) and the German 16th Panzer division. The Red Army used female soldiers wherever they volunteered and was the first army ever to turn back the Wehrmacht attack and they were the ones who captured Berlin and ended WW2. So I'd say those Russians actually did stick with women in actual combat because it worked!
So Schafly you are full of shit, learn to history. There is no real physical reason that with modern weapons women could not be as capable of front line combat. The physical strength difference between male and female is negligible with proper physical training and women would probably make less gung-ho soldiers anyway.
No women in combat troops? I will have to disagree here, there were women in the infantry, staff and recon companies when i served in the Estonian Defence Forces, Kuperjanov Independant Infantry Battalion, Recon company, II platoon, II section, bravo fireteam leader.
Corporal Tammisto
Lydia Litvak might like to have a word with you.
For those who don't know, she's a WWII Russian fighter ACE. 9 Germans downed solo, in Yak 3's and Yak 9's, some of the hardest to fly planes around as they do not have hydraulic assists in controls, which means you have to pull any maneuver out of your own muscles. And she was just a slight blonde woman of 21 years when she got into one of those and kicked Nazi butt all over Stalingrad.
Actually, the reason why men are used in combat more often than women is because that, reproductively speaking, males are more expendable than females.
Think about it: if I had a set population of humans that consisted of seven males and one female, how many offspring can the group have in one year? Conversely, if the population consisted of seven females and one male, how many offspring can be produced in a year?
Simply put, females are too valuable to the group to be risked in potentially deadly combat because the future and existence of the group ultimately depends on its rate of reproduction. Even most animals adapt this tactic.
Furthermore, the reason that women are not used as soldiers has more to do with the perpetuation of the survival of the group and species as a whole than male dominance. Plus, men are physically superior to women anyway, so it would simply be more practical. :)
My first reaction was: "Holy shit, that bitch is still alive?"
But then I thought, well what else would one expect, obviously her mind, like her cunt, has been frozen since 1955.
Isn't this the woman whose son (I think it's a son, anyway, though Andy can be ambiguous) is behind Conservapedia? Her saying something like this is far from shocking. Vile, yes, but not shocking. That's what having no working brain does for you.
Taken from Songs source:
"In the United States, women in the military are thoroughly integrated into combat support roles and the services depend upon the capabilities of women. No law prohibits women from serving "in combat." Laws do prohibit the permanent assignment of Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force women to ships and aircraft engaged in a combat mission, and while there is no comparable statutory prohibition for Army women, policies adopted by the Army and the other services further restrict women's roles. "
Israel might use women in combat. But you guys seem to be confused by "in combat" and "combat support" they are quite different, and while action may be seen by the combat support it is in no way to be considered the "front line" in any way shape or form. You can call it sexism, but it boils down to whether or not a woman could carry an injured man away from the front lines and all the rhetoric cant change the fact that most men in the military even excluding equipment are damn heavy. Factor in equipment you have a lump that most men with military training would struggle to lift at a dead weight.
Also most countries that have female soldiers also have mandatory service so they have a lot of female soldiers.
Fact-checking, I came to http://dover.idf.il/IDF/English/News/Up_Close/2007/08/0101.htm
Although it argues that the perception of 'no Israeli women are in combat' is wrong, it says:
- Among the 119 soldiers who gave their lives in the war, there was one female.
- Fourteen percent of the women who were called for reserve duty were in combat positions. Most of them were medics.
- The one female casualty was an airborne engineer whose helicopter crashed.
Technically Sclhafly is wrong about Israel. With less than 1 percent of fatalities being female, I conclude that in practical terms, she's right. I console myself with the reflection that a stopped clock is right twice a day too.
Hehe, you should hear polititions talk about allowing women into the SAS....they are all pretty much dead against it (say that the SAS are not suitable for many, and women are statistically weaker) and don't seem to really care what you think, so maybe this guy has a point. Though the fact that women are allowed to do any job in the army except be in out elite (or at least, that is how it is at the moment) pretty much finds fault in your comment.
@John_in_Oz: Most of Israeli women that aren't in support roles drive tanks, which are the safest tanks in the world. It's smart, really. To preserve people, you only need to preserve enough women and you need quite a smaller number of men to do the same.
Hey, I've got lady friends in the Armed Forces who did a damned good job.
I can't believe an ultra-conservative just came straight-out and said she didn't support the troops.
@ Headache -- Apparently Israel uses gorgeous women in combat.
Anyway, Russia's top anti-tank team and one of their top snipers were all women.
Why are we even contesting this patent bullshit?
Your Argument Is Invalid.
(for those of you who don't want to read Colonel Collins' bio - she flew missions over Grenada during the 1983 US invasion, before getting the astronaut job).
In WW2, russian female snipers struck fear in the hearts of germans.
Lyudmila Pavlichenko,
Confirmed kills:309
Anti-sniper kills: 36
It's rather interesting that even when we have people citing specific examples of women who excelled in combat assignments, we have the requisite phallocrats wandering in and bloviating about how having women performing well in combat is inherently impossible . Way to put doctrine and the occasional ass-pull over reality, dudes.
Ah, more Schlapstick. Only this time, from the older generation. Well, I can see where Andy got it from now.
Tell that to the Amazons, biatch!
Hell, I should go show this to one o my friends. She'll kick your teeth in, because she has 5 blackbelts.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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