(Mrs. Debbie comes right out and says women are inferior to men!)
The woman was a special creation by God for one purpose....to be a help meet for the man, her husband. [Gen 2:18-22] There is nothing in these verses that says that she is equal to him or to work in positions that men work in.
Gee, could it be because there were only two of them there and they didn't exactly have back-breaking work? Besides, they were equal - Eve was a help meet for Adam. Emphasis on help . Adam couldn't do things on his own. I honestly don't get why Eve is considered the lesser just because she was made for Adam - Adam is the one who needed her, and Eve didn't feel like she needed Adam until she was cursed to love him. So... dude, choose the right verses next time, even though I won't believe you then either.
Too bad Mrs. Debbie is probably one of those who thinks Moses wrote the KJV instead of the actual Hebrew Torah. If she actually bothered to study the meaning of the Hebrew word translated "help-meet," she'd realize the same word is used of God Almighty himself as the helper of Israel.
Makes you wonder why, if what Mrs. D says is true, God bothered giving women a cerebrum at all. I mean, clearly, it's not holy for us to be using it.
Mike wrote:
A self-hating fundie. Wow.
I can't say I find it all too surprising myself, given these people believe in a theology that makes them pathetic, wretched, miserable, worthless sinners who must forever humble themselves to a cruel, unloving, spiteful God. I think most people would be self-hating if that were actual reality.
This does seem like a good candidate for Stockholm Syndrome to me though, as I cannot understand what else would prompt any woman to willingly continue believing in a religion that makes herself and half the population inferior despite all of reality's evidence to the contrary.
ZugTheMegasaurus: "I can beat you, Mrs. Debbie. Gen 1:27. Created at the same damn time in the same damn image of the same damn god."
Ah, but was that really Eve or *gasp* Lillith? If it was Eve, then God is being redundant and kind of contradictory when he describes the creation of her later, in a kind of subordinate context. Eh, even though all of this is myth to me, I like the idea of Lillith, and Eve being the dumb blonde woman Adam wanted more. Kind of funny... almost matches up to the Greek god soap opera myths.
There is nothing in these verses that says that she is equal to him or to work in positions that men work in.
ok so let's just assume that they're not equal. i'm pretty sure if that god of yours exists, he doesn't want you to put words in his mouth.
Well let's see, women have roughly 900 more genes than men do, and the default sex is female.
Women hold jobs in all aspects of society, including, (cover your ears Debbie) positons of AUTHORITY.
We can only hope Debbie does not have any daughters.
And the words of Adam, this is my flesh and my bones mean nothing, according to you. To consider people like objects is not something people consider ethical, let alone to give them the same set of obligations and membership, bearing in mind that they are consider a "something"
'Cept in the first chapter of Genesis, where God created man & woman together, out of dirt - after the animals, of course.
Then he created man before the animals and then woman... wait... er...
Anyway, they all left Eden because Lilith kept calling and demanding child support.
Mrs. Debbie, Mild mannered Mormon Mrs. or Monomaniac misogynic married malevolent maid? My mindset is the second is more matter of fact than its meathead. Mrs. Debbie makes more than meliorate her mind set that women must minister to men mostly in a menial method. My mind mostly makes clear that shes mistaken. Women must maintain their mannerism and not minister to men as is Mrs. Debbie's mark. Man, Im more than maddened by Mrs. Debbies meditations of miscalculations. Why she doesnt she match her motto and make quiet? Maybe Mrs. Debbie merely wishes for other women to mimic her mad misinformation. Man, its mortals like Mrs. Debbie that miff me most of all. Must they mar many more with moronic messages? Meh, my monolouge made me motionless. You may call me Matty!
I don't know about you, but I always thought that Eve was created because Adam was lonely. Besides, there's nothing in the Bible that says that Eve tempted Adam, thereby causing him to sin and causing the Fall. She just gave him the fruit and he chose to take it and eat it. He could have refused, you know.
Being stuck with an intolerable punishment and a stupid husband, I'm surprised Eve didn't run off with Satan or become best buds with Lilith.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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