Subject: Conspiracies
Probably the most overshadowing conspiracy issue facing the world today is The New World Order. I have an outline of the book "En Route to Global Occupation" at This Link. Under the "freemasonry" heading you can see that the ultimate roots of global government go back to ancient Babylon. Many believe that the Tower of Babel was an attempt at this very global government, which God did not permit. You can also see that many world religions have been infiltrated by this.
Satan, who wanted to rule the world from the moment sin was found in him, has been the architect of it all. Without this fact it would be difficult indeed to believe that any group would keep to a goal for millenia. Only a supernatural explanation makes sense of it. And we must never forget how Satan loathes the Jews and Christians more than everyone else, so we should expect to see these two groups as the most common scapegoats for all the world's evil. We do in fact observe this.
Honestly, I'm about ready to start up something to get this NWO off the ground, I'm sick of people bitching without basis, I'll give them a reason to fear it, and then they won't be able to bitch about it anymore.
Wow: if you want a serious answer, it lies in the common human psychosis of demonising the 'Other' ... and for most Europeans, at least until recently, Jews were the only handy example of the Other. AFAIK Muslim hatred of Jews dates no further back than the rise of Zionism.
@ Wow - Jews are blamed for everything because in a country where anything goes wrong, the minorities get the blame, and the Jews have pretty much always been minorities.
@the fundie - They need to learn that Satan doesn't really care that much about them, seriuosly. Satan is off doin' cool stuff...
Yes, R2R, I like that game too but remember, it is not for real! Steve Jackson Games RULEZ!
/the sarcasm ends here/
Please, throw yourself in digested sludge and die!
"And we must never forget how Satan loathes the Jews and Christians more than everyone else, so we should expect to see these two groups as the most common scapegoats for all the world's evil."
Funny how muslims claim *they* are the scapegoats for all the worlds evil, because satan hates *them*.
If you know anything at all about structural design, you'll know that even if the tower of babel existed, it could never have been constructed on a similar scale as modern, steel framed, reinforced concrete structures, using pre-industrial methods. Even the near century old empire state building easily outclasses any ancient monument - why doesn't god destroy any of those?
Let me guess - in the case of the World Trade Centres, god did destroy them, he just did it indirectly via deranged terrorists following an opposing religion, because he'd never ask his real followers to do anything bad?
..and for most Europeans, at least until recently, Jews were the only handy example of the Other...
Well, the muslim entities (The Caliphate, Gunpowder Empire and Jerusalem based socities were available. So was the Mongol Empire, and the Chinese dynastic empires. But, very inconveniently, they were powerful enough to resist Euro-Christian armies. Make no mistake: had they not been, they would have been obliterated like the great meso-American societies or persecuted like the European Jews.
It never ceases to amaze me how the conspiracy nuts, particularly of the religious variety, always tend to tie up an impossibly huge amount of people and history into such tidy little packages. It never occurs to them that the logistics involved in pulling off such gargantuan cover-ups could never be kept secret for long.
The most overshadowing conspiracy issue facing the world today is in your pointy little head. The Tower of Babel is a story which was invented as an explanation for the fact that not everyone on the planets speaks the same language. That's all . Satan is an imaginary creature designed to frighten you into being good, and as such he can't hate anybody. You just want to think so because you want to feel special.
Curezone wrote:
Satan, who wanted to rule the world from the moment sin was found in him, has been the architect of it all. Without this fact it would be difficult indeed to believe that any group would keep to a goal for millenia. Only a supernatural explanation makes sense of it.
You're absolutely right. Without outside help, no group of humans could keep a hidden agenda like that going for millennia.
And if that outside help isn't present, what does that tell you about the alleged hidden agenda?
Do the Gnomes of Zurich hire? I could be an assassin. I can learn a gimmicky assassination technique or two, and I'm already pretty weird-looking. Maybe I could kill targets with trained squirrels.
And I can supply a resume on request.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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