Ask a nurse about watching an unbeliever die, there are some horrific accounts of famous atheists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives. I don't believe this is a desirable way to die, even if there was no afterlife as you suppose. Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway, so why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?
why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?
Because there's no reason to do so? You have yet to produce any proof of your god.
And I suspect that your story about the deaths of "famous atheists" is a load of horseshit.
I just asked a nurse about watching a nonbeliever die. Her response: "It's no different from a believer. You just die."
When I pressed her for details about burning and fire, she said, "Nope, never seen that in 35 years of ER/Trauma work."
"Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway,..."
- Unless they have convinced themselves that they are guaranteed eternal paradise for having said the magic words to god, regardless of what they do to anyone.
I thought that bearing false witness was something thou shalt not do. In my 30 years as a nurse, absolutely nobody at all screamed about fire before dying. Who are these famous atheists who did so?
As for being nice and looking out for people, your genocidal God and his hateful flock are hardly shining examples.
My mom used to be a nurse, before arthritis took that from her. She's also a believer. I'll go ask her.
She says:
The only people screaming about fire and burning were people on certain drugs, or people in the burn unit who hadn't been knocked out with painkillers yet. But gangrene has to be the worst way to go. Want to hear again about the lady who died after her labial piercing got MRSA in it? See, she was embarrassed so she didn't go to the doctor when it started to smell...
(that's when I was like, NOOO and left- I'd heard that one a few times already. Good god, you would not believe the gallows humor nurses have).
Pascal's Wager, how original... Which god or goddess are we to worship, or should we worship all of them, just in case?
As about 50-85 percent of the Swedes are non-religious, there ought to be lots and lots of screamings in terminal care wards here, but I have never heard of any case like that. Many people die in real, Earth-bound pain and fever, maybe that's what you are confusing with afterlife fire and burnings.
Why do they have to lie so much? If they honestly believed themselves, in a God, there would be no reason to lie. The fact is that there are deeply insecure in their belief, hence the constant lying. To base your life around what they deep down know to be a falsehood is the ultimate in stupidity.
Let's ask another nurse, my wife.
Nope, she never heard of such a thing. (As usual there was a certain amount of TMI concerning gruesomeness, which I will spare you).
I have an aunt who's a nurse.
In more than thirty years of nursing, she saw nothing of what you describe.
The majority of people she encountered who were dying and survived at least long enough to communicate with someone else either saw nothing (that they remembered), or if they had an NDE, it was either relatively positive or at least cathartic in some way (to be sure, she didn't ask many--it wasn't something that came up unless the patient volunteered information). The few who said that they experienced something unpleasant reported that what they saw seemed to have something to do with how they treated the other people around them, and how they felt about the lives they lived and the sort of people they were, and in this cases it was STILL positive, because it gave them some insight into the kind of people they were. And this cut across boundaries of faith and creed--nonbelievers, Catholics, Muslims, Shinto, all experienced it in broadly the same way.
If there's an afterlife, it seems dependent on whatever you take to it. It doesn't appear to be bad.
Ask a nurse?
No. YOU provide the evidence for your assertions.
This is the sort of thing that Christians of a certain ilk like to bandy around, to convince themselves that they are on the winning side. But where is the evidence?
Ask a nurse about watching an unbeliever die, there are some horrific accounts of famous atheists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives.
Citation seriously fucking needed. Provide proof, if you please (and if you can outside of your fevered imagination).
Both my grandmothers were nurses - did they ever experience this? Nope
One grandfather was a doctor - a consultant - did he ever experience this? Never.
My mother was a nurse, trained during WWII, nursed in a convent for the terminally ill, she died an atheist and never believed there was an afterlife as Christians. did she ever have an experience like that? No.
My father was a doctor, a GP for nearly 40 years and attended many deathbeds. Did this ever happen to him? Not once.
My sister is a nurse, active for 40 years. For the last 10 years of that time she was on an intensive therapy unit (Intensive Care) She has experienced many deaths. None ever cried out like that.
Between them my family has over 200 years of medical experience and not one of them has ever experienced what "leigh" claims they must have done.
(to the tune of 'Bringing In The Sheaves')
"Ask a nurse about watching an unbeliever die, there are some horrific accounts of famous atheists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives."
I'm pretty sure that "Thou shalt not bear false witness" is in your list of Commandments somewhere.
"Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway, so why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?"
Because it's a hell of a leap from "be nice to people" to "worship this entity that I can't prove exists".
In the immortal words of Jon Stewart: BULL-FUCKING-SHIT .
You do know that lying is a mortal si... no, of course you don't. You're a Christian. It's not like you read your "holy" book. It's only the moral, spiritual and philosophical center of your entire goddamn existence.
Ask a nurse about watching an infidel die, there are some horrific accounts of famous christianists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives. I don't believe this is a desirable way to die, even if christianity is the real religion as you suppose. Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway, so why is it such a stretch to worship Allah as Creator?
there are some horrific accounts
I suppose you catagorize the term "urban legend" under "God's truth".
Wait, I'll make one up too: there are some horrific accounts of famous Christians screaming about the null and void during the last hours of their lives. Just on the brink of death they all cried "It's a lie, there's nothing, just darkness!"
See, it's easy.
Utter Fucking Bullhsit
Blaise Pascal carried a note sewn in his jacket describing his "conversion by fire." However, it did not happen on a deathbed, and occurred years before. It was likely just a bad dream, or he had something bad for dinner :D "
Other than the title there is no mention of fire.
There is no mention of 'conversion'.
There is only incoherent ramblings, fully consistent with a half awake person trying to write down the 'profound revelation' he thinks he just had.
Christian: (Praying) Dear Jesus, is it okay to lie if it's done in the name of spreading your glory.
Jesus: No. It's never okay to lie.
Christian: But every single one of my arguments that I use to try and convert atheists contains some lie or distortion of the truth.
Jesus: Then what does that tell you about me?
Yes we know about the lies writen for sermons decades after the fact by preachers who werent there.
We know about the lurid storys preachers made up about the death scenes of famous non-christians.
We also know about the refutations penned by actual witnesses who were in the room with the deceased.
There is not one verifyable account of an atheist screaming about fire and burning on his or her deathbed. NOT ONE.
I had a co-worker who suffered a heart attack and died twice on the careflight to the hospital. The second time he flatlined for almost 27 minutes. ER staff got him back, long story short - he said no lights, no visions, just black - like someone cut the power. Now, can you provide evidence to support your claim that is not either hearsay or just made up fundie bull excrement.
There are accounts of devout christians going wierd near the time of death.
Worship God as Jesus and make no mistakes during your life or wind up in hell. You ate a bbq shrimp ? Hell, wore a poly/cotton shirt ? hell
My mom was a nurse and a believer. She saw no difference between the deaths of believers and unbelievers. She was a nurse for 45 years before retiring in the late 90's.
And she said the worst deaths she ever saw were from botched abortions in the 50's and 60's, before it was legalized.
Lying for jesus, eh?
"Ask a nurse about watching an unbeliever die, there are some horrific accounts of famous atheists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives. I don't believe this is a desirable way to die, even if there was no afterlife as you suppose. Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway, so why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?"
Where were you , leigh...?:
The phrase 'Where is your God now?' It exists for a reason .
Why would someone be screaming about fire hours BEFORE they die? If that's where they are going, they'd be feeling that AFTER they've died, not before, just as you don't hear religious people talking about seeing heaven in the hours before they die, either, do you?
When the brain dies, synapses fire and unconscious thoughts likely flood the neurons that remain active.
Isn't it just a coincidence that Jesus lovers see Jesus and angels, Hindus see their gods, Buddhists see enlightenment, and Native Americans see the spirits of nature when they die?
Here's a hint -you hallucinate when you die (or can at any rate) and whatever bullshit was force-fed into you by your cultural upbringing comes out of your subconscious.
Nice try, though, you lying sack of shit.
"Pascal's wager is a shitty argument, no matter how much you try to sugarcoat with second hand accounts of supposed near death experiences."
'Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.'
-Marcus Aurelius
Seems this ancient Roman won the bet before Pascal had even been born to make his 'Wager'...!
(*Places note on charred, smoking, crackling corpse of leigh's argument, which reads *):
'Warmest regards, your Friendly Neighbourhood Argument Annihilator.'
"why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?"
No evidence, no way.
Also, I'd like to see these "horrific accounts". Also, how are they in hell if they're not dead yet?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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