There is actually a whole book written on the subject ABORTION RITES which chronicles some of the rites Wiccans use around the time they sacrifice their own babies.
You can download a copy of the eBook for free at the above link.
No, it isn't a lie concocted by some extreme wing of the radical Christian right. The research is based on the actual writings of Wiccans and Pagans.
I will agree that 99 percent of non-Christians (including pagans and Wiccans) would be repulsed by this. But it is perfectly legal under Roe v. Wade to perform such a sacrifice.
The purpose of the article is to demonstrate that we are all culpable for the sacrifice of innocent babies. Whether it is to a pagan goddess or on the altar of the god of our own "convenience" -- abortion is still legalized child sacrifice.
Is this like the sacrifices those Satanic Cults performed? You know, the cults that were supposedly sacrificing millions and millions of people in the US alone every year? The cults that, incidentally, didn't actually exist?
Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with performing rites with aborted fetuses. After all, some christians give their miscarriages funerals, and that's a rite.
Sorry if I can't laugh more, I am suffering from faringitis and it hurts. Let me see, what is legal is to have an abortion in an authorised medical centre before the 12th week of pregnancy. If a priestess or whatever nut performs a ritual in his or her home, that is ILLEGAL. Second, Wiccans and Pagans NEVER speak of sacrifice of children. They may condone abortion(some yes, some not)but, in any case, they take you to the nearest medical centre, not to this ocus pocus. Again, look up for "sacrifice", "ritual" and all the other words you mentioned in your stupid post. And beware, if the link is from a far right wing organisation, don't expect us not to believe the very next sentence. The most logical thing would be to look for an independent source.
A blastocyst is not a child, it is a clump of cells with the potential to become a human being. This potential goes unrealized in nature roughly 50% of the time.
Following your logic, your god is the world's worse abortionist.
It is not 'perfectly legal under Roe v. Wade' to perform child sacrifice, jeez.
Wow. That website reads like one big parody.
Yes, yes, there are books written on abortion rights. But get your spelling right, please :P .
(Yes, I know, David beat me to it)
i've known several wiccans, and they don't do that, except maybe the crazy one that's too fugly to get a dick in her.
Girl:did i ever tell you about the worst abortion i ever had?
Man: no.
Girl: It was great!
"The purpose of the article is to demonstrate that we are all culpable for the sacrifice of innocent babies."
But the actual effect of the article was to convince everyone that you people are obsessed and insane.
And what about all those wicked babies? Never anything said about them, all the attention's on the innocent babies. Let's face it, jc4skin; you're probably not too keen on masturbation, either. The idea of people indulging in sexual activity for any other purpose other than making babies probably offends you. Why? Because one of the underlying imperatives of the OT is that making more babies is the duty you owe your people- once again, "OUR TRIBE IS THE BEST! WE MUST OUT-BREED COMPETING TRIBES! THEY SUCK, WE RULE! KILL THE BAD GUYS, MAKE MORE GOOD GUYS!" Take your "All life is sacred" nonsense and have another omelette, willya? Natural selection does a far better job of explaining religion than the other way 'round...
No, it isn't a lie concocted by some extreme wing of the radical Christian right.
ORly? Bugger. Well, that just completely destroys my counter-argument, doesn't it. I mean, you *said* it's true, so it really completely totally must be.
There is actually a whole book written on the subject ABORTION RITES which chronicles some of the rites Wiccans use around the time they sacrifice their own babies.
...Because anything endorsed by David J. Stewart's website simply has to be accurate and wholly unbiased.
For the interested, a listing of Marvin Olasky's other books here.
Well, the listing is here , but the point remains: this man is fucking stupid.
As a Wiccan, I am offended by the statement posted at FSTDT. Having had a fucking miscarriage, I know how painful it is to lose a child. Thinking about it now, I probably should have given it a proper send off, and allowed myself to grieve. To suggest that one of us would abort a child to "honor" the Lord and Lady is not only blasphemy, but outright stupidity. That would not "honor" Them -- it would sadden Them.
'No, it isn't a lie concocted by some extreme wing of the radical Christian right. '
Yes it is.
Try again. You fail it. This is slanderous.
As one who has both pagan and Wiccan friends and actually knows something about pagan practices, I'm offended. It's clear you have no clue about what pagans and Wiccans believe and that you mostly get your bullshit from assholes like Jack Chick and David Stewart.
I could go on about what a douche you are, but I'll leave it with three pics:
No, it isn't a lie concocted by some extreme wing of the radical Christian right. The research is based on the actual writings of Wiccans and Pagans.
Bullshit, pure and simple bullshit. This was scribed by foaming at the mouth fundies. Kerhisting hell, when the f*ck are you assholes going to learn fact from fiction?
just another case where:
"operation save america". wow.
Nice bit of patriotism there. Is the second line "and fuck all the other countries"? If you have true morals, you wouldn't direct them solely to your compatriots.
That said, i'm pretty glad that this organisation isn't focusing on my country. Poor Americans.. I truly feel sorry for the sane people who live in America.
how dare you say this about wiccan/pagan? How dare you? You, who no matter what is said about your god and jesus and King James they gay gets all upset and screams persecution!
You are liars! You make up bullshit about other religions so your own doesn't look as bad! I understand it's hard to explain a loving god when in the same time you beat your wifes, condone rape and all other kinds of hideous crimes!
How dare you! Your own god will reject you for these heinous lies!
I wish I could hate you, but I feel just pitty for you. You don't even live up to the standards of your own believes!
"Take your son, your only son yes, Isaac, whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)
Your god wants you to kill your children.
Yeah, I really believe that. Wiccans don't even believe in harming people that piss them off!
That post was so full of fail...
I probably dont exactly fit into the general crowd here because i am a theist, a reform jew. We are a raitonal free thinking group.
In ancient times there were religions that practiced infant sacrafice. This is refered to as "passing your seed to molech". Archeologists have found places where this was done. They found thousands of fetuses as well as new borns. While it is possible that these are natural miscarages their number very stro gly sugests some some kind of ritual abortion. We stood apart from this and destroyed it.
Paganisim is about as far from judiasim as one can get. If i dont care for paganisim i DONT have to practice it!
These neopagans and wikans are not like the pagans of old. They dont believe in harming any living thing or they also have a great respect for all nature.
When i read the qoute it really pissed me off! This is hideous filthy slander against a harmless group of people. And is right in line with the blood liables that have been spoken against the jewish people.
Just because these people dont think like i do' it dosen't make them evil.
Hosea 13:16. Your argument is invalid.
The Wiccan Rede goes like this (emphasis added):
'An it harm none , do what thou wilt'
Ignorance of other belief systems. Your argument is invalid II.
He is confusing wiccans with satan worshippers who, as we all know, have wild sex in groups in someones basement and sacrifice small children and babies.
I didnt see that title listed, maybe they withdrew it .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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