Is is just me are has the world become ALOT more liberal.
You say that like it's inherently a bad thing. Just because you, personally, don't like something doesn't mean that it's "bad" or "evil", especially considering that the biblical jesus was undeniably liberal in his outlook. You should try reading your "holy" book without your GOP colored glasses sometime.
I have no problem with it UNTIL it intervenes with my life.
It doesn't, so what the fuck are you crying about?
The many people who have negatively commented about this book have failed to realize that this book reveals the hypocrisy of todays so called "open minded" people.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was offensive to hold an opinion that was contrary to your own. Get over yourself, neither you nor your religion are importent to anyone but yourself.
The very people who cry woe is me for being homosexuals aka sinners and being discriminated ARE the very same people who HARASS Christians.
So you are saying all gay people harass christians? That's laughable on it's face. Quit claiming persecution that doesn't exist. 9 times out of 10 if there is anything that can come close to being called harassment it's a direct resault of a gay person being mercilessly harassed by a self-proclaimed "True Christian(TM)".
(sin is sin)
So then tell me why you good bible believing christians ignore so very many of the sins commited daily, by your own breathren nonetheless, and instead cry and whine about the sinfulness of others, especially gays, all the while acting as if you and your co-religionist are without sin?
You guys are so narrow minded.
Says the person who thinks Conservative Christian = Good, and Everyone Else = Evil
But its expected
Yes, because you wrote the book on everyone in the world and your assessment of them is not to be questioned. Tool.
One thing I ask of you. STOP boxing in the life of Jesus. He was loving and forgave, but he was FIERCE too.
I don't even believe, and contemporary historical writings pretty much back me up, that your jesus figure never even existed, and was at best an amalgamation of actual people, hearsay, and co-opted mythology. Therefore i couldn't give a fuck whether you think he was "FIRECE" or not.
People dont want to mention ALL the sides of Jesus.
So is that because of the Evil Atheist Conspiracy, The Homosexual Agenda, or the Liberal Media Machine?
The Lord brings a SWORD, not a hug people.
Once again you make a leap in thinking that others who didn't like the book will be scared or cowed by your depiction of jesus. They most likely, myself included, are not, and I for one find your "Jesus will kick your ass" inuendo to be idiotic and juvenile.
I dont have to judge you.
And yet you attempt to do just that, for no good reason other than the fact that other people didn't like, and gave a negative review, too a book about intolerance that you seem to think is second only to the bible
THE BIBLE does that already.
And so do countless other books in countless other religions. I'm not offended nor intimidated by fictional judgements handed down by fictional characters in mythology. Mere words cannot express the depth of just how much I do not care.
So get over yourself
So says a man who's sense of self worth and religious identification seems to be bound to reviews of a book he neither wrote, nor forms the backbone of his religion. How pathetic, how truly pathetic.