realtalkang and AlexJones1 #conspiracy

If you did your research you would know that Alex is a Disinfo agent trust me conspiracist lets say the respected conspiracist are nothing like Alex matter of fact one of the most respected was on his show one time and he just put out truth after truth that Alex actually tried to get him off the show please people don't believe this phony.

[a response to his post by AlexJones1]
I agree. I am a long time listener and a former fan of his (hence my screen name) but have lately noticed that he serves to taint the truth movement with his silly antics. However, the information on Infowars is much closer to real news than the 31 flavors of corporate media hogwash this site and the rest of the mainstream media puts out. The government has been manipulating the weather for a long time. If the sheeple bothered looking up occasionally they might notice their skies laden with chemtrails.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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