Ann Barnhardt #fundie has all manner of reportage on the truly despicable Danneels. You can start here, in which there is an audio recording of Danneels telling a boy to keep his mouth shut about being raped by a bishop – who also happened to be the boy’s uncle. Yeah. This Danneels is a real piece of shit.

Bergoglio has also HANDPICKED Danneels to be the NUMBER TWO MAN at the upcoming Synod on the Family, which is expected to drive the Church into schism.

And it all stands to reason. As we have discussed here over the last 2.5 years, Bergoglio is a thug, and the Church is pretty much completely infiltrated with people who DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF IT. So, why would a power and earthly glory-hungry thug like Bergoglio, or a bunch of filthy, child-raping fags WHO DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN ANY OF IT be even the tiniest bit affected by the Law of the Church? It’s a PUNCHLINE to them. Why would we think that these people are internally constrained in any way for fear of a paradigm in which they DO NOT BELIEVE???

This effeminate, pollyanna worldview can no longer be defended. It’s just stupid. This has been prophesied by none other than THE MOTHER OF GOD, and frankly, how could one NOT want for this nightmare to be somehow thwarted? Is normalcy bias so strong that the systematic destruction of western civilization and the Church has to be not just ACCEPTED, but defended as NOMINAL?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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