Dion #fundie boards.historychannel.com

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I know it sounds strange but does anyone want to be my disciple[?]I ask this because, I think that God wants me too. I will tell you the story and you can tell me if you want to be one or not ok. As I am not anxious for a job such as this, and have not really accepted it in my heart as the word of God, I will let you decide for yourself after the story ok. Not to mention it scares me to even think about such a job. I am happy with my normal boring job right now, not much is required from me and I like it that way.

Ok now the story. You see in the past when God has something for me to do or something for me to say to someone it comes in two's. First I will hear something then shortly afterwards it will be in different completely different context and gets said again. Never had I had this happen in a dream though. Last night it did. First I dream I was a renegade christian living in the end days leading christians to fight for food. The number of the beast had come into effect and we had to steal, rob and kill whatever we had to do to eat and not take that number. I woke up and thought well that was a fun and adventurous and I kind of got a kick out of being in charge. They followed me so readily. So I didn't think nothing of it went back to sleep then it happened again. I dreamed I was at a restaurant this time and was a manager of some type once again with the food. So I pondered the dreams this morning. I thought what the heck is the deal with the food. Then it occurred to me that I was in charge delegating people to hand out food. That was the simple in and out of it. what represents food in the bible its the word of God. Its more important than food. The bible calls it milk and meat. So take it for what its worth. I don't know if I will be a good leader as I have never lead anything or where exactly I am supposed to be leading.

i am guessing though if this is correct I probably need 13 of them. That's all Jesus needed so I figure that will be enough. It might help to call me teacher as to give me some respect other than that you can argue ask question of me or whatever but you must plan on being loyal and committed to me and my vision of where we will be going.



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