R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes #fundie aprophetwalkingwithjesus.wordpress.com

Months ago, while helping a couple pack to move out of state, my husband was offered a seemingly innocent framed picture of four African American people standing side by side in costume performing a ballet. When my husband showed me the picture, I didn’t particularly care for it but I agreed to take it home because he expressed interest in it. When we arrived home, I proceeded to hang the picture. Later that afternoon, my husband decided to organize the closet in our master bedroom so he could make room for a prayer bench he had made. He placed a large black bag at the end of our bed and used it to dispose of the trash he removed from our closet. That evening, I decided to go to bed early. My husband stayed up and continued to clean out our closet. It was at that time that he saw the ballet picture hanging on the wall and noticed what he believed to be demonic hand signs on the fingers of one of the women in the picture. Unbeknownst to me, he decided to remove the picture from the wall and threw it away in the black trash bag that sat on the floor at the end of our bed. Later that night, I awoke to a very disturbing vision. I felt a dark presence in the room and when I looked up, there at the foot of our bed (where the trash bag that held the ballet picture sat), I saw what appeared to me as four African American people standing side by side smiling at me. The ‘people’ I saw were actually spirits. I woke my husband and told him what I had seen. It was then that he told me that he had thrown the ballet picture into the black trash bag that sat on the floor at the foot of our bed. That morning, my husband removed the picture from the black trash bag and destroyed it. We then anointed and prayed over the entire house. I never saw the spirits again.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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