@insult to rocks
Suprisingle yes, AOL still exists. There is also a small number of people still in dial up. I think it is somewhere around the 1 to 3% of households that either refuse cable/dsl , its too expensive, or are too remote to get cable lines.
Also this man has no understanding of how economics works.
Raising minimum wages across the board will only increase goods/services sold.
Yes it will, which in turn gives money back to the people who make the products which gives them more money to make more products. Every time there has been a hike in the min wage conservative cronies scream it will only hurt buisness and increase inflation. Not one time has it done either of these things, in fact it helps buisnesses by generating a steadier cash flow. Poor people spend most of the money they have, it is hard to stockpile wealth when your basic monthly expenses come to more than 70% of your income.
I think most of these people just th8nk because they had luck, s more stable home life , inheritance etc. They are fundamentaly better than the working poor who might work 80+ hours a week at 2 or more jobs.
Some of them just believe the poor should suffer because of things. Medical bills are a gateway to poverty as well. Last year i was dignored wother crohn's and i can tell your i spent 4 das in the hospital wit out insurance. The bill they presented me with came to a grand total of 22,000 USD. If 8 had been able to afford insure that bill would have only been about 200 bucks. Luckily I was put into a charity to pay my medical bills, from a private orgnization, and they covered a vast majority of the cost besides about a grand. And also durin that time I was out of work for about 3 weeks to recover.
It's really easy to go completely under when you have nothing to begin with.