Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
The Anti-New York Times has long sympathized with Arabs & Muslims who, as a result of the false flag attacks of 9/11, have become the target of blind hatred. But after 13 years of allowing the big lie of 9/11 to go unchallenged, it is time for the fearful Arab & Muslim communities to stop whining about how they are being stereotyped, and to start shouting from the rooftops who the real perpetrators actually were (Globalists & Zionists).
Amongst themselves, most Muslims have by now figured out the truth about 9/11. Imagine if they were to harness all of their substantial financial resources and numerous organizations to the task of exposing the true culprits. Imagine a billion dollar marketing campaign to educate the public about "911 Truth". Imagine massive demonstrations in which the protesters declared that "9/11 was an inside job". The world be forced to sit up and listen.
Instead of defending themselves and counter-attacking in a massive united front, most of them choose to cower in silence; allowing their religion to be defamed and their people to be slandered. "Please please NY Times. Do not judge us based on the actions of Osama Bin Laden. We are not all like that." - goes the pathetic refrain. Mohammed would be ashamed!
To our Muslim friends we say, with the best of intentions, stop whining, stop apologizing for what you bloody well know was false flag terror, and start fighting back. YOU have allowed the slander to stand unchallenged and until you grow a pair, the Zionists will keep pissing on you while laughing. Oh sure, they'll patronize you all from time to time by condemning anti- Muslim bigotry; but at the end of the day, the false accusation of 9/11 still hangs around your neck like the proverbial albatross! Until said pair of balls is grown, your intrepid author doesn't want to hear anymore whining about anti-Muslim prejudice or "offenses to Islam".
Hitler said it best: 'Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.'
Amen to that Fuhrer. A-friggin-men!