faultroy #fundie letters.salon.com

(Why are Christian movies so awful?)

Primarily because of liberal Bigots that are just looking for an excuse to bash Christians. The idea that a young girl that gets her arm ripped of in the ocean by a shark would be back in the water three weeks later is appalling to those Metrosexuals that pontificate about the "bravery of having an abortion" or "being sexual." So this young girl's courage and determination is "so anti-feminist." The good thing is that the movie will do phenomenally well both here and abroad because only in America do we have the double standard of: Whore--good-- sex worker-independent--liberal-feminist. Christian bad-honorable-integrity-faith based--awful! So in our multicultural society being any religion but Christian is acceptable and "must be both embraced and tolerated, but Christians are poison; the Mark of the Devil and must be Dispised. But even better, no Religion--like being an Atheist should be honored because of its openness and lack of critique of everyone--except Christians of whom they literally have a mission to seek out and destroy. Oh and by the way--I'm not a Christian.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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