(Regarding the woman in Ireland who died when a hospital refused to provide her with an emergency abortion)
We need a special law for this - after all one person out of 7 billion died that certainly is a justification for 50 million abortions. Since she was Indian, if the baby was a girl it should have been aborted just like in India where girl babies are murdered by the 10's of millions.
What is 10 million murdered babies compared with one woman's life? There are only 7 billion people on earth, we need to make a huge deal out of one death. Because we are stupid liberals unable to understand mathematics, or to compare things of different scales. We can't distinguish between 50 million babies murdered, many of them for the "crime" of being female, and one person dying in a hospital when sick. We liberals pride ourselves on ignoring mathematics, rational thinking, and science. We make decisions by emotions and hysteria.
1.) The woman was having a miscarriage. The fetus was going to die anyway. The woman died a needless death because the doctors refused to speed up what was already inevitable.
2.) Babies don't become babies until after they're born, so it's not possible to abort a baby.
3.) You're a fucking douchenozzle for thinking clumps of cells are more important than a real person.
The fetus was a hypothetical baby. It was never going to become an infant, since it was already dead. It was not possible to save it.
The woman was an actual, real woman. She died very slowly and horribly, while doctors who could have saved her life essentially stood around and watched.
You are an imbecile if you cannot understand the difference, and a callous monster if you do and still conflate them. In neither case should you be allowed to dictate what kind of medical care someone else is allowed.
" We liberals pride ourselves on ignoring mathematics, rational thinking, and science. We make decisions by emotions and hysteria."
Would you care to ask most scientists who they most closely align with politically? I dare you to go to the National Academy of Sciences.
This coming from a likely Fox News viewer. The world's leading innovator in the politics of fear.
It's not a case of 'either, or'. This poor lady died needlessly because of the callous ignorance of people who worship a non-existent deity. One which she didn't.
The foetus wad already non-viable, it was not, in the sense that an ignorant god-botherer would understand it, an abortion.
But well done for slipping in a bit of racism with the rest of the misogynistic bullshit.
No... no... have to control myself... no - ah fuck it
Ah, I feel better now...
Such compassion. I bet SharnCedar would change their mind immediately if they or someone very close to them needed an abortion to save their life.
This totally reminds me of the tale of the man walking along the beach picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. A man saw him and said, "What are you doing?"
"I'm saving these starfish. It's low tide and if I don't throw them back into the water, they'll die."
"But," said the second man, "there are thousands of starfish on the beach. You can't possibly save them all. What does it matter if you save a few of them?"
The man replied, "It matters to this one," and threw another starfish back into the ocean.
It all comes down to perspective.
Ah...psychopathy, ethnic bigotry, misogyny, fetus-fetish, anti-Hinduism, self-projection/"mirror...shiny" & all-around douchebaggery all in one repulsive package!
Screw you, Cedar-Wood-For-Brains and find a nice huge inferno and take a nice dive into it!
She is hardly the only one; she's just a very public and recent case, where it was fairly clear that had the doctors hurried up the miscarriage, she would probably have lived to have many children in future. The fetus was already dying, nothing could save it.
If this is a rare case, it's because few countries have as strict abortion laws as Ireland does. In almost all other European countries they would just have hurried on the miscarriage and restored her to health, and that would have been it. She wasn't really sick to begin with; her body was just expelling a dying fetus; a thing that happens to thousands of women every day. When the miscarriage didn't proceed as it should, she became sick from the sepsis that the dying fetus caused.
There is nothing "only" about the 7 billion people on Earth; the Earth is dangerously overpopulated and we need to reduce the population (through natural causes), not increase it.
"We pro-life people pride ourselves on ignoring human suffering and promoting death penalties and wars. We make decisions by emotions and hysteria."
Actually, that is too much fixing, one word would be enough to remove.
"We pro-life people pride ourselves on ignoring mathematics, rational thinking, and science. We make decisions by emotions and hysteria."
There, now it's much more complying with reality.
I was waiting for this show up.
Don't you dare call yourself a liberal & then use that as an excuse.
This was horrible & unnecessary. If I were one of those doctors or nurses I would have tried to save her anyway. I would not be able to live with myself if I stood there & watched someone die like that.
You miserable bag of shit.
There are only 7 billion people on earth, we need to make a huge deal out of one baby. Because we are stupid conservatives unable to understand mathematics, or to compare things of different scales. We can't distinguish between 50 million babies starving, many of them for the "crime" of being muslim, and one embryo dying in a hospital and taking an adult person with it. We conservatives pride ourselves on ignoring mathematics, rational thinking, and science. We make decisions by emotions, hysteria and the fear of making the giant man with a long white beard who lives on clouds angry.
Frankly, I don't give a shit if the fetus was going to die anyway or not. If the pregnancy was killing the mother and it was one or the other, the mother wins, period.
scale? SCALE?!?! you wanna talk about scale?? hows this for math and scale
currently, it takes, on average, 1.8 hectares of productive land to feed 1 person for a year. there are 13.4 billion hectares of productive land on earth, and that number is decreasing
13,400,000,000 / 7,000,000,000 = 1.914 hectares per person
13,400,000,000 / 1.8 = 7,444,444,444 people
What is an aditional 50 million babies people are unwilling/unable to care for? its about 10% of the theoretical maximum number of people the world can even SUPPORT. but then, you dont seem to understand scale very well so i dont expect you to completely understand.
Okay. Since you don't think one person is very important in the big scheme of things, step right over here, and let's put you on a table, bleeding out and dying for lack of a blood trasnfusion, with a doctor who's a Jehovah's Witness, who refuses your blood transfusion because his cult forbids it. He tells you you're just one out of 7 billion, so you should get over it.
Since that philosophy doesn't other you, I'm sure you won't mind.
"Emotions and hysteria" is when you assign the title of "baby" to a clump of cells and advocate for the death of a human being to save the clump. Plus, you people pulled that 50 million figure out of your asses, and you know it.
Wow, and that's what some fanatics want America to be like. Let a woman die because they just can't handle the fact that pregnancies aren't all sunshine and rainbows supervised by Jesus Christ himself. Very "pro-life," indeed. Talk about being unable to compare things of different scales. Can't even understand the difference between an embryo and an actual person. And they have no grasp of history or facts in general if they believe lack of access to safe abortion doesn't lead to the deaths of many women.
It's gross enough in the first place that a possible fetus is more important than what a woman wants. They talk about "making exceptions" when a woman's life is in danger. Because otherwise, obviously, she's just obligated to be a fetus hut.
Let's assume for a second that I am pro-life and I do actually think of a fetus as a baby (I don't)...
Here's a tough maths question for you; which is greater 1 or 2? Is it better for the baby to die and the mother to survive, or is it better for them to both perish together. Now I would like you to answer this question without resorting to emotion or hysteria.
"We need a special law for this"
How about if every time someone died in childbirth from an entirely preventable circumstance because they were refused an abortion, a pro-lifer had to set themselves on fire in public?
After all if one life is a small price to pay to save those millions of "babies", surely so is two lives? Right? I mean you'd strike that match on yourself in a second for the sake of all those widdle babums, wouldn't you Sharn?
"Since she was Indian, if the baby was a girl it should have been aborted just like in India where girl babies are murdered by the 10's of millions."
Her parents were educated professional specialists who had come to Ireland to work for a high-tech company in Galway. By all accounts they wanted and planned for the baby. But, because they happen to be Indian, you associate them with the infanticide (not abortion) widespread among the ill-educated and bigoted in India. SharnCedar, you are a hysterical racist bigot and the victim and her family are worth far more to society than you.
Yeah, letting the dead fetus fester away inside until the woman died of blood poisoning was the kristian thing to do. Because, yeah, gawd may have decided to reanimate it into a zombie-baby or something. Law or no, the docs should have their licenses revoked. Hippocratic hypocrits.
Yeah, it's not like this shit occurs with incredible frequency. No, really, it was ONLY HER that has ever had to suffer this.
Already talked on this in the forums, so this guys nonsense is basically the same strawmen we used.
Though the thing about averages is skewed because we have a lot of ineffecient farming going on. Organic, cows, wasted biofuels, subsistence. If we used arable land with current effecient techinques we could support 11 billion people, ignoring GMOs potential. We are still improving our farming capability through technology.
Though if you really want to reduce human population long term we should put more weight on space technologies.
What are the lives of thousands upon thousands of women from lack of access to safe abortions, compared to fetuses? There's plenty more incubators around, we don't need to make a huge deal out of losing one. We are intelligent because we choose the life of unborn babies over those of born, independent people. We pride ourselves on ignoring mathematics and science only when it suits us. We make the rational decision to tell women to fuck themselves.
we need to make a huge deal out of one death.
Isn't that percisely what Christians have been doing non-stop and very loudly for the past 2000 years, making a huge deal out of one death?
Re-do your math.
A woman dies. A real, live human being with dreams and desires for her future, people who love her, and a life of her own, dies. And the first thing you do is use her as a strawman to take a dig and people you disagree with and be sarcastic?
Well, ain't you a real piece of work, you callous shitbag?
If one fully-grown adult human being is an acceptable loss, maybe we should start "volunteering" organ donors. No emotion or hysteria or sentimentality allowed--you have the organs they need, and undoubtedly some of the people you'd help contribute far more to society, right?
I hereby volunteer SharnCedar to be the first donor.
I know a Catholic woman whose baby died in the womb. She went to a Catholic hospital and they wouldn't remove the dead child even AFTER there was no heartbeat. She was forced to wait 24 hours and was very sick for a long time afterwards.
There is a level of hostility towards the secular people in that religion that outsiders may not know. It often bubbles over and seems to defy all logic but to the clergy and leaders normal people are the downfall of humanity. That's why it's nothing if you die from something like this and why they think children want to seduce priests.
My best friend died in a similar situation. She could have legally and safely had an abortion, but had "pro-life" so ingrained in her that she refused, and both she and the baby died. (She managed to carry to about six months before having an emergency c-section, but she was so sick by then that the baby was just to weak to make it) Of course our priest practically martyred her at her funeral. That was the last time I ever willingly set foot in a Catholic church.
And my cousin was almost in the exact same situation as the woman in this story. She was able to get an abortion in a timely manner, and shortly after she got well she became pregnant again, and now has a beautiful, sweet daughter who would not be here today had her mother not had that option.
How you "pro-lifers" live with yourselves is beyond me. You people have more blood on your hands than Bin Laden.
So, the nine year old girl in Brazil who became pregnant with twins after being repeatedly sexually abused by her stepfather wouldn't have been worth saving, either? I suppose you agree with the catholic church for excommunicating the child, her family and the doctors who aborted the fetuses (whose growth would have killed the child) as well? Can we also assume you agree with the church's decision to allow the inhuman monster who raped her and her sister for years and created this entire mess the sacrament of reconciliation? Can we then also suppose that it's okay with you that he is the only one to whom this comfort is still available?
The little girl was, after all, just one person. In comparison to the loss of the two fetuses, she barely would have been a blip on the radar. The death of a single female is hardly worth getting upset over.
Following your logic, why not doing away with ALL laws on Earth?. If you give so little importance to human life or are so callous as to think that numbers are important, that potential abortion(or rather miscarriage, since the problems started long before she arrived at the hospital)can be actually justified, don't you think?
I don't get it.
No-one thinks she should have been denied an abortion. No-one knows, mind, because the details haven't been released, but best guess is that the kid was screwed and the doctors acted outside the law. Her case is irrelevant to the abortion debate. At most, the legislation will be clarified to prevent midunderstandings, if there was a misunderstanding. If anyoe is using this woman's death to argue for abortion on demand or whatever, they have chosen a terrible example. I haven't met such a person, but judging from news coverage they do exist andthey are indeed stupid. As, apperently, is whoever uploaded this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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