“Jesus said YOU are not to judge”
What would the point of that be? I don’t see Jesus as an authority. He can tell me ALL FUCKING DAY not to do something, and i can do it with a perfectly clear conscience.
It would make more sense for him to tell B’LEEVERS not to judge. Or give you ANY commands, since you’re supposed to follow them.
Like helping the poor, welcoming the refugees, donating to charity, not being a dick. You ever read those passages?
“HEATHENS are in NO place to judge True Christians!”
Okay. Find me one, i’ll leave them alone. FAKE Christains, now, those who ignore a good 1/3rd of the Commandments, I can judge them all as hypocrites. Doesn’t take a nudge from the Holy Spirit, either, just reading comprehension.
“TRUE CHRISTIANS, on the other hand, are exhorted to judge RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT on HEATHENS and REPROBATES”
I don’t recall that commandment from when i counted among the faithful.
As i recall, when they were going to stone the prostitute, Jesus was Adamant that none of those assholes in the street had the right or authority to judge her, much less punish her. No one was good enough, not one.
“like YOU, missy! Which is EXACTLY what we are doing!”
I seem to recall Jesus being at odds with people who thought they were too pious to worry about God’s direction to maximize humility.