(An Amazon customer review of Expelled)
This film can be an eye-opener to anyone that has bought into the "Evolution is a proven fact" nonsense hyped by those that dedicate themselves to protecting their turf rather than actually seeking the truth. Evolution, in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course, but the Darwinians always use this statement when speaking of COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation.
The well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism is revealed for the first time in a popular format that can cause the general public to see the causitive relationship between this false philosophy and some of the truly evil results of it.
Congratulations, Ben! You did a GREAT job.
Buy this movie!
Show it to your kids!
Show it to your friends!
Give it as CHRISTMAS presents!
This is one of the most important films ever produced.
"The well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism is revealed for the first time in a popular format that can cause the general public to see the causitive relationship between this false philosophy and some of the truly evil results of it. "
Hitler's Table Talk, July 25, l942:
'From where do we get the right to believe, that from the
very beginning Man was not what he is today? Looking at
Nature tells us, that in the realm of plants and animals
changes and developments happen. But nowhere inside a
kind shows such a development as the breadth of the jump,
as Man must supposedly have made, if he has
developed from an ape-like state to what he is today.'
"I intend to set up a thousand-year Reich and anyone who
supports me in this battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique
spiritual I would say divine creation...Rudolf Hess,
my assistant of many years standing, would tell you:
If we have such a leader, God is with us."
-- Adolf Hitler --
Congratulations Terry G. Trainor! You did a GREAT job showing the well established connection between Hitler's ideas and christianity.
Well, if you're going to give this movie as Christmas gifts, now's the time to stock up. Right now, there are still a few left in the bargain bins at Blockbuster and Best Buys for $2.29 each, but the remainders are going into the trash soon.
"This film can be an eye-opener to anyone that has bought into the "Evolution is a proven fact" nonsense hyped by those that dedicate themselves to protecting their turf rather than actually seeking the truth. Evolution, in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course, but the Darwinians always use this statement when speaking of COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation."
Make up your mind! Is evolution proven fact, or not? And if evolution is accepted as proven fact, then why is common descent merely "speculation"?
The rest of this so-called review is mindless sychophantic babble, but this portion is simply self-contradictory gibberish.
~David D.G.
Evolution is a proven fact, the theory of evolution is our best attempt to understand how evolution happens. And like all theories when new, better and more complete evidence is discovered the theory dare I say it, evolves.
"Evolution, in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course, but the Darwinians always use this statement when speaking of COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation. "
And today we're serving delicious WORDSALAD!
"COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation."
Yeah, nothing but speculation -- backed up by evidence from cladistic comparisons, DNA analysis, paleontology, population studies, ...
I don't get it.
Evolution, in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course, but the creationists always have to come up with outlandish straw men.
Well I guess since the movie is just one big Godwin....
Oh, and if anyone gives this to me for Christmas, I will shit in the box and send it back to them.
The well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism is revealed for the first time in a popular format that can cause the general public to see the causitive relationship between this false philosophy and some of the truly evil results of it.
Yeah, it's not like eugenics was practiced by farmers selectively breeding, say, cattle, for centuries (if not millennia) before Darwin.
"COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation."
Wrong. And also, project much?
"The well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism is revealed"
See above.
"This is one of the most important films ever produced."
The free market begs to differ.
This I posted on Amazon.
"When Your Thick as a Brick" comes to mind. Please do tell what is a "bible humper" Terry?
5 of 408 people found the following review helpful:
What's wrong with you five people? Did you slip and press the wrong button?
Very revealing!, July 25, 2008
By Terry J. Trainor "Bible Thumper"
This film can be an eye-opener to anyone that has bought into the "IDiot thought" nonsense hyped by those that dedicate themselves to protecting their turf rather than actually seeking the truth. Evolution, is a well supported theory, some who understand Darwin's writings accept COMMON DESCENT as reasonable.
There is no well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism.
What is revealed for the first time in a popular format that can cause the general public to see the causative relationship between this false philosophy (ID) and some of the truly evil results of it.
Congratulations, Ben! You did a GREAT job.
Buy this movie!
No not ever.
Show it to your kids!
Child abuse!
Show it to your friends!
Only if you dislike them a lot.
Give it as CHRISTMAS presents!
Talk about ruining the season.
This is one of the most important films ever produced.
Except all other films ever produced.
There that's better, I fixed it for you Terry.
"Evolution is a proven fact
"in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course
"always use this statement when speaking of
", which is nothing but speculation.
cc: file under Steinshit
Darwinian evolution is a theory not a fact. The facts stem from the... well FACT that bacteria etc. which have fast reproduction rates due to binary fission do in fact evolve and are readily obversable.
Also, in general what is your problem with science, it isn't a sting to kill off all religion, if they were trying to do that, they would be complacent and call Darwin's theories a fact which is wrong because its impossible to use the scientific method at a point of time to prove or falsify such a theory as it would take millions of years and observations of every current species on Earth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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