Every Atheist I’ve ever known has been some sort of loser. They may have used drugs. They may have been really overweight. They may have been whiney or sketchy. Whatever the case, I’ve never known an Atheist I could exactly qualify as “normal.”
Define "normal."
I am overweight but I think I can still say that the bible belt is on its last stressed-out notch. Must be all those church sales with baked goods that use lard as a primary ingredient.
As for whiney or sketchy (whatever that means), I have never heard a bigger bunch of whiners than fundamentalist christians.
"Whatever the case, I’ve never known an Atheist I could exactly qualify as “normal.”"
As an atheist, I consider that a compliment. In this day and age, "normal" means broke, ignorant, narcissistic, rude, self-absorbed, and stupid. Nowadays, "normal" people can't think for themselves or even name the capital of another country. Therefore, I'd be honored to be deemed "not normal."
You do realize, of course, that non-Christians often say the same about Christians.
By the way, I'm not whiny or sketchy, I don't do drugs, and my waist size is 27.
Funny, I know quite a few athiests who aren't whiny, overweight, sketchy and they've never done drugs. I can't say the same for most of the christians I've met.
Yeah, because no christ-stain has ever blown an altar-boy, or eaten too much, or tried to pick up another man in an airport mensroom, or fucked his sister, or cried about religious persecution, or needed a shrink, or blown an altar-boy--again.
So no Christians have those problems? No Christians are overweight? Being overweight makes you a loser? Being whiny makes you an atheist? Tell me, are you perfect? Do you have no bad qualities simply because you are Christian? I have a feeling there are people in this world that would find you obnoxious and consider you to be a loser.
Every atheist you've known "may" have been overweight, whiny, or a druggy? Well, for all I know, every single person I've ever known "may" have been a billion years old.
he ruined what later seemed like a thoughtful, though bias post with this intro
good job srsly, you have one shiny mirror
Most people who are Christian turned to Jeebus for those exact reasons.
You don't like the drug, the drug likes you, of course!
I'm a computational physics major with a steady girlfriend, a full scholarship to the Honors College of my university, and a bunch of friends. I don't drink, smoke, or do any sort of drugs. I weigh a solid 157 (at 5'7", that's not too bad). I fail to see where I'm a loser.
All the christers I've known have been addicts. Addicted to something else and swapped it for jeezus. And became a much bigger asshole in the process. Admittedly, I don't know very many of them.
The funny thing to me is religion seems to be the last addiction for them. Once hooked onto jeezus, they don't seem to go onto another one - making me think addiction itself must be progressive.
Fundyism; the final dependency.
why why why .... I'm so high right now that I can't see my penis!!! oh wait that's because my gut is in the way...damn
if they are normal then I have no problem being a Whiney, Fat, Drug addict!
Thank Jebus they are not!
whew that was close
I'll cop to being over-weight, but, I've seen an awful lot of tubby Baptists in my days. What about Brother Randy?
I'm not a druggy, whiney, or sketchy, but I am most proudly NOT normal. Who defines normal anyway? Is a Bible-thumpin' jackass really normal?
Okay, I smoked pot in the 70's - big deal. I'm not overweight, I exercise and do yoga (but that is of the devil) All human beings whine at some point, human nature. I don't know what the hell "sketchy" means, but I can't draw for live of me :)
What the hell is normal? I'm normal for me and that's all that matters. ( I don't want to be fundie normal, that's for sure)
My Atheist Dad is a Doctor (ironically, my Christian Mother has cancer, is an alcoholic, a chain-smoker, stupid, and only a nurse).
Losers, huh? You mean like Benjamin Franklin? Thomas Jefferson? Abraham Lincoln? Earnest Hemingway? Robert Green Ingersoll? Stephen Hawking? Carl Sagan? Albert Einstein? Bill Gates? Jodie Foster? Freeman Dyson? Arthur C. Clarke? Neil deGrasse-Tyson? Several tens of millions of other rational, exceptionally intelligent people who can think circles around you, you ignorant, witless, bible-thumping, cross-humping, tiny-minded sack of shit?
Neil H. (Astronomer, photographer, pilot, poet, I.Q. 136)
Let's see, I have never done drugs, I have reasonably fit, I may whine (but I don't expect to be taken seriously), and I have no idea what you mean by sketchy.
But, the really funny part is, none of this has any bearing on whether or not atheism is valid.
I didn't quit doing drugs until I became an atheist. All the "good christians" who were gonna help me get off drugs kept telling me that it was "okay" if I relapsed, because after all god would forgive me. So I just kept on shooting dope and asking for forgivness. After I'd finally come to terms with my atheism I decided to that if I was ever to get clean then I was going to have to man up and do it myself. 8 years, 10 months and 22 days.
I have a wonderful woman, good friends, a good job, a puppy, and a wide assortment of BDSM toys and even a couple of pieces of dungeon equipment - in a few words, a good life , and one that is far more satisfying than a "normal" one.
I've never touched drugs - never even taken a puff of a cigarette (the smoke makes me sick). I drink seldom, once in a while on a special occasion, or in a social situation.
I have a little extra padding - it just goes to show I've been enjoying many of the finer things in life. And a bottom with a little padding is so much more spankable than a scrawny bony one ^_~
I'm not whiny, and I'm not "sketchy".
Then again, I'm more agnostic than atheist. Maybe that means I don't count.
Nevertheless, in summation: Who the fuck wants to be normal?
"Whatever the case, I’ve never known an Atheist I could exactly qualify as “normal.” "
I can agree with this. Has anyone ever noticed how stupid the average person is?
>Am I on drugs? Nope, don't even drink. Fail.
>Am I fat? Nope. 6'5", 230 lbs and I moonlight as a bouncer at a bar. Fail there too.
>Whiny or sketchy? Well,I hate whining; and as far as "sketchy", depends on what you mean. I have no criminal record, and I am open and honest both with myself and others. So fail there twice.
Fail + Fail + Fail^2 = EPIC FAIL.
I'm so sick of this world, the days just drag on and I hate it. I want to go hoooome !!! The other day I saw Obama turn into a demon on TV, nobody else saw it but I did so I think God was sending me a message. Oh come Lord Jesus, come for me, I'm on my knees and waiting !!!!
Well, you must be living in another planet, because statistics say that most of them hold a college degree, go less to jail and do less drugs than the rest of the population. And most overweight people happen to be Christian fundamentalists.
If by "normal" you mean "fundie" then no, I'm not normal. Also, never touched drugs, never been overweight. I've possibly been whiny but the collective gas bagging of Rapture Ready et al probably outdoes everything I've ever whined about. I do not claim to know what "sketchy" means, but I can draw.
I am overweight, but that's more due to my lifestyle being affected by my disability.
The only drug I abuse is caffeine.
Normal is subjective.
They "may" have..? You don't know for sure? If you don't know, why the fuck would you say they "may have been" anything?
And you ARE (I know that for sure from your post) an asshole. No "may have been" an asshole, you ARE an asshole, most definitely.
"Every theist I’ve ever known has been some sort of loser. They may have used drugs. They may have been really overweight. They may have been whiney or sketchy. Whatever the case, I’ve never known a theist I could exactly qualify as “normal.”"
See? That's just as valid.
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