Wikileaker #conspiracy
For those who rely on the corporate news media that further the war aims of the New World Order, this book will open your eyes!
Long story short: the Russian czars resisted the NWO crime families for centuries until they succeeded installing their jewish/Bolshevik puppets and formed the USSR. The NWO was counting on the mantle passing on to Trotsky whenever Lenin exited, but instead got a rude surprise when Stalin took over. Comrade Joe wouldn't play ball -- the USSR was his personal kingdom and he wasn't taking orders. So the NWO made sure the Versailles treaty imposed such harsh terms on Germany that a second "War to End Wars" was inevitable (and to rub salt into Germany's wounds, recall that they NEVER surrendered! The Armistice was merely a ceasefire). And it didn't hurt the NWO's aims that the misery of the Great Depression (caused by their -- the "Fed's" contraction of the global money supply) set the stage for another Great War. Then they set up Hitler as Stalin's natural enemy/rival (along with their corporate servants like GM, IBM, Ford, Coca-Cola, etc.), and, as planned, they duked it out BUT Stalin came out on top. Foiled again! But the Cold War was just too lucrative a prospect for the NWO to pass up, so it was East versus West for the following 50 years. (proof positive this was the case was Eisenhower's failure to end the Cold War when Stalin gave up the ghost and Khruschev softened the USSR's stance against the West. This was a golden opportunity for world progress but the evil Dulles brothers (NWO again) wouldn't permit it).
Then in 1989 down came the Wall and two years later the USSR followed. The NWO sent in their jackals, imposed their "shock therapy" that sundered Russian society, then they got Boris Y. to give away state assets (property of the Russian people) to the bootlicking oligarchs. The NWO were well on their way to taking over the country when along comes Putin. Threw out the western "advisors" and jailed or marginalized the oligarchs. Putin returned Russia to the Russians. THAT is the reason Putin is now Hitler Reincarnated according to the corrupt western NWO-owned corporate-managed news media.
Buy this book, read it, and think on it. King fleshes out this story with greater detail using historical FACT. He also tells the truth about what actually happened in Georgia, Ukraine, and Crimea. If you're one of the sheeple who consume broadcast news media (aka the NWO propaganda machine) this book will turn around your worldview in the right direction. Share it with any of your friends who care a damn about what's REALLY happening in the world!